Welcome Young Warrior...
You sit before a barren, bone-white tree, overlooking a ravine. A chilling breeze drifts by and you direct your attention to the horizon. There are four distinct territories, somehow you remember them all… MoonClan, SunClan, EarthClan, and EclipseClan. A voice speaks to you in the fluttering snow, “Did you realize, little one, that you’ve left your safe home? Perhaps you feel you belong here and maybe you do.” Your face is filled with wonder, yet you are still a bit unsure. The voice continues, “Little one, I would never hurt you, though some in this forest might want to. You must decide, would you fight, tooth and claw, for what you believe? If so, what path will you choose to take?
“MoonClan has stood for the most generations and it is the most noble clan. It was founded by myself, Moonstar. The cats in my clan live deep in the forest and feed themselves with the birds and rodents that reside there. They make up a fearless clan and their elders receive the utmost respect. MoonClan has the strongest relationship to StarClan, but they tend to be arrogant and can look down on the younger clans and can bend their interpretation of The Code and their own history to suit their own needs.”
“SunClan dwells on the brisk moors to the southwestern corner of the clans’ territories. Hares are the only common prey in their territory, making SunClanners swift and strong group hunters who value their interdependence and rely on the clan’s cohesiveness for survival. SunClanners are often high-strung, or as MoonClanners might call it, harebrained. They are rational, cautious, and carefully make decisions. The clan is put at a higher value than an individual. SunClan was formed by a group of loners wishing for the stability of clan life, but who had little knowledge of clan traditions. Because of that, they have many traditions and values separate from code.
“EarthClan is the most forbearing, compassionate, and grounded clan. They encourage each individual cat’s talents, choosing not to implement the conformity of the other three clans, and have the most varied relationship to StarClan. To them, the Warrior Code is treated as a loose outline on how to fulfill a happy and noble life, but it is hardly followed into letter. EarthClan has abundant prey in their territory, which is on the south side of MoonClan. They have both prey-rich forest and rivers, which allow them a more comfortable way of life life than the other clans.
“At last, EclipseClan. They call the twoleg territory their home, though it is very harsh living. Due to the city life, they have been shaped into ferocious and resourceful cats. In EclipseClan, only the strongest survive, so you must be prepared to fight for yourself and prove your worth to your clanmates, as every cat must earn their place in this clan. EclipseClanners highly value battle prowess and since the city provides scraps to scavenge, they don’t focus on hunting, or even consider it an important skill.”
The voice stops and you turn to see a figure with stars on his pelt, obscured by the delicate flakes of snow that clung to his pelt. “Well...” He asks. “What are you waiting for, little one?”