The Clans Page
Maps | Landmark Descriptions | Clan Descriptions: MoonClan, SunClan, EarthClan, and EclipseClan | Mentor Assignments
Landmark Descriptions
MoonClan Camp: A hollow surrounded by thick brambles with several smooth boulders scattered throughout. The largest of these boulders is the Highrock, under which is the leader's den. MoonClan's Camp is found in the middle of MoonClan's territory, slightly to the northeast.
SunClan Camp: A dip between hills in the plains without dens. A tree stump approximately a fox-length high serves as a Highrock, a storage place for herbs, and a shelter for queens, kits, and elders during bad weather. Found in the center of SunClan's territory, slightly to the west.
EarthClan Camp: Wedged between a river and a creek with dens made from tangles of reeds and the hollows under tree roots. A boulder is used by the leader to call clan meetings. RiverClan, BoneClan, StormClan, and DawnClan used this as their camp as well. Found in the center of EclipseClan's territory in the fork of a river.
EclipseClan Camp: An abandoned house in the city. The kitchen counter is used by the leader to call clan meetings. Formerly used as a camp by NightClan. Found in the center of EclipseClan's territory.
Moonstone: The Moonstone lies within a long, winding cave. Cats can contact StarClan by pressing their noses against this stone. Fallenstar's skeleton rests in front of the Moonstone. Found in the Loner Woods northeast of MoonClan's territory.
Hawk's Tree: A dead, bone white tree standing over a wedge shaped cliff flanked by steep ravines. Hawk and Silverstar's bodies were placed here as a reminder to the clans of the Great War. While it is on EarthClan soil, cats from other clans visiting the tree are permitted. Gatherings are held here, with the leaders of the clans sitting on branches of the tree and deputies and medicine cats at the roots. Found in the center of the four clan territories.
Abandoned Badger Set: EarthClan's territory once had a sizable population of badgers, RiverClan chased them out but the badgerset remains abandoned. It can be dangerous as apprentices occasionally fall into it. Found in the northeast corner of EarthClan's territory.
Abandoned Barn: An abandoned two-leg barn rests on the southwestern corner of SunClan's territory, it is a valuable source of prey to these cats as it is filled with mice. It is enclosed by rotting wooden fences. Found in the southwest corner of SunClan's territory.
The Ancient Oak Grove: A grove of ancient oak trees lies in MoonClan's territory. Apprentices are taught to climb here. Found in the southeast corner of MoonClan's territory.
Bee Meadow: a clearing in the forest that surrounds a long-dead tree hosting a large bee hive. Found in the center-west of EarthClan's territory.
Blizzard's Bar: A common hang-out for cats during The Great War, which has since been abandoned. It lies in the Northeastern corner of EclipseClan's territory. Found along the eastern corner of the city, to the north of The Burnt Woods.
The Burnt Woods: A small forest fire burnt this part of the woods during Snakestar's rule. It belonged to EclipseClan at the time, but has since switched hands several times. Found to the southwest of Hawk's Tree, in the center of the clans' territories.
The Fear-Place: an animal shelter which EclipseClanners are forbidden to approach. Found in the far west of EclipseClan's territory.
Former EarthClan Camp: A clearing in The Burnt Woods. The camp is uncomfortable, exposed to the damp of the river and the noise and smell of the nearby city, as well as easily accessed by enemy clans. The High Stump lies above the leader's den in the center of the camp. Found in the Burnt Woods.
The Fox-Place: an area in the southern reaches of SunClan’s territory which was densely populated by foxes when the clan was founded. Found in the southeast region of SunClan's Territory.
The Great Willow: a large willow tree leaning across the river which serves as a favorite location for romantic rendezvous between Moon- and EarthClanners. Found in the center of the MoonClan-EarthClan border.
The Lightning Tree: a tall pine tree that was struck by lightning generations ago and now stands as a cautionary symbol in MoonClan queentales. Found in the northwest portion of MoonClan's territory.
Mossy Hollow: A mossy hollow is formed between the branches of the creek, EarthClan apprentices are trained how to fight here. Found in the crook of a river in the southwest corner of EarthClan's territory.
Origam's Palace: Shortly after The Great War, a cat named Origam tried to reunite the city here. His base was in an abandoned office building across from Blizzard's Bar and is still a well known landmark in EclipseClan. Found in the eastern portion of EclipseClan's territory, next to Blizzard's Bar.
Raven's Fortress: An abandoned hotel in the city where Raven's armies were based during The Great War. It has since been abandoned, many cats declaring the place haunted. It lies along EclipseClan's southern border, visible to SunClan.
Sandy Hollow: A sandy hollow was formed by a dry creek-bed in the far north of MoonClan's territory, here apprentices are trained how to fight. Found in the northeast corner of MoonClan's territory.
The Scavenging Place: an alleyway filled by restaurants’ dumpsters, where the most daring EclipseClanners compete for food with rats, dogs, and rogues. Found in the northeast portion of EclipseClan's territory.
Sky Rocks: an area atop SunClan’s tallest hill where the soil has been worn away by wind, leaving the bedrock exposed. This place is revered by some SunClanners who believe the hill is blessed by StarClan. Found in the northwest portion of SunClan's territory.
Snake Gorge: this treacherous area is the most direct way to travel between MoonClan and EclipseClan but is marked by steep stone walls that house venomous snakes. When the river is low, it can be crossed by jumping across slippery rocks, but during new-leaf when the river is prone to flooding only the strongest swimmers can hope to cross. Found under Hawk's Tree, along the part of the river that separates MoonClan from EclipseClan.
Sunwarm Rocks: a collection of large flat rocks on the riverbank where EarthClan elders and queens leave the camp to enjoy on sunny days. Found to the southeast of EarthClan's Camp.
About the Clans
Priding themselves to be the most honorable and courageous clan, MoonClan is the oldest clan and maintains the closest relationship with StarClan. They are blunt, orderly, and purposeful. While clan members are viewed as individuals, they are expected to serve their clan before themselves. The Code is law and any deviation from it is said to be a crime in the eyes of these dignified cats. However, MoonClan cats have a history of interpreting The Code to suit their own needs and to justify meddling in the affairs of other clans. Their arrogance is their biggest flaw, and often deadly, as they can badly underestimate their enemies and bite off more than they can chew. MoonClan cats are commonly larger and stronger than cats of other clans, with pelts favoring dark tabbies and tortoiseshells to help them stalk their prey in the underbrush.
A leader is just that to the cats of MoonClan, their word is law and the cats are expected to obey and respect them.They are expected to maintain order and discipline within the clan as well as represent them during gatherings. The position of deputy is comparable to that of an apprentice leader, they are given much more responsibility than privilege within the clan in preparation for their time as a leader. A medicine cat serves both as a spiritual leader and healer within MoonClan, expected to advise the leader and guide the clan on a righteous path. Warriors work hard on hunting and border patrols as well as in training their apprentices, they are expected to rise at dawn each day ready to protect their clan at the cost of their lives and little tomfoolery is permitted. Similarly, apprentices are expected to be putting their whole hearts into training. To be given an apprentice is an honor. Apprentices and their mentors form strong bonds, as apprentices will spend nearly all of their time with their mentor and vice versa until they have been named a warrior. Kits are somewhat pushed off to the side, viewed as important as the future warriors of the clan but not cherished as they are in EarthClan. Elders are revered, and expected to help teach kits about clan life, the ways of StarClan, and The Warrior Code.
As prey is neither plentiful nor scarce, nor is there a lack of or excess of threats, the warriors of MoonClan are both moderate hunters and fighters. Apprentices are trained in both skills without disproportionate emphasis placed on one or the other. MoonClan regularly preys on small rodents and birds and while they avoid eating snakes, lizards, and toads they may when other prey is not readily available. Common threats found in the forest include foxes and badgers, with the occasional threat of snakes and rogues. MoonClan’s dense forested territory can prove to be a maze for any cat unfamiliar with the land. Their forests provide shelter against the worst of the elements and they lay on high ground guarded from flooding, leaving them with a relatively stable supply of prey. However, droughts can prove disastrous and much of their prey hibernates or migrates through leaf-bare, leaving them susceptible to starvation during these times. The territory itself is diamond-shaped, bordered to the north and east with the loner forest by a Thunderpath and to the south with EarthClan and by a river. Their EclipseClan border has been frequently disputed and has been switched from the river to the edge of the city a number of times. Their camp is a hollow surrounded by thick brambles with several smooth vine-covered boulders scattered throughout. The largest of these boulders is the Highrock, under which is the leader's den. Their nursery lies under a thick bramble bush, the thorns protecting the kits within from any threats. On either side of it are the warrior and apprentice dens, both under boulders. The elders den is a hollow log near the edges of the camp. A rarely used prison lies between the warriors’ and leader’s dens, a hole once belonging to a family of foxes. The Moonstone lies to the northeast of MoonClan's territory, a far shorter journey for MoonClan cats than for cats of any of the other clans. Its proximity to them is a source of great pride, as MoonClan views itself as the clan most in touch with their ancestors and traditions.
While they were intended to be the only clan, MoonClan has supported the creation of other clans. They helped RiverClan to fend off BoneClan, allowed a former prisoner to create NightClan and were the first to suggest sending warriors to help SunClan learn about the traditions of the clans. However, this can be attributed to their tendency to meddle in the affairs of other clans. MoonClan has been involved in every war, beginning with the War of BoneClan after Moonstar’s death. As soon as that war had been won, The Great War (also known as Raven’s War or The War of the City) began. Before a single generation had gone by between that war and the next, Spottedstar attempted to banish Fallenstar, leading to Fallenstar’s war. This bloody war waged on for generations before finally coming to a close under Mirestar. Nonetheless MoonClan returned to war and has had few moons of peace in their history.
The cats of SunClan face a hard life on a relatively barren territory where teamwork is the only way to survive. They are more cautious than the other clans, even quite skittish, as they have no natural protections on their moors. They are the most rational, a think-before-you-leap kind of clan, as any misstep could be devastating to them. The other clans do not fully understand their plight, and can view them as quite cowardly and compare them to the flighty hares they hunt. Intelligent and quick witted, they are easily able to make accurate judge of character and can manipulate cats of other clans and protect against any chance of betrayal within their own ranks. The Clan is central to these cats, and individuals always come second to the good of the whole. Cats are viewed as a part of the clan and expected to treat each other as kin, forming stronger bonds between family and friends is largely frowned upon. While they believe strongly in the ideals of StarClan and The Code, they chose to follow some rules more closely than others and many cats to not, or do not fully, believe in StarClan’s power. On average, SunClan cats are built to hunt. They have thin, wiring builds for fast running and dull, short tabby pelts to blend into the moors.
Leading SunClan is a difficult task, as a leader must be able to organize the clan in all of their day to day activities, making sure that patrols are carried out efficiently and balancing the need for defense with that of feeding the clan. Any conflict within the clan can have a great impact on day to day routine, so a leader must be able to handle this effectively. A deputy must support their leader and communication is vital between the two to keep the clan running. SunClan has a history of going for long periods of time without a medicine cat before one trained at another clan joins. Therefore, the position of a medicine cat can be fairly isolated from the rest of clan life, they tend to be respected but viewed as outside the hierarchy of normal cats. They are seen as more important for their healing work than for their spiritual work, as belief in StarClan is less common among the cats of this clan than those of other clans. The lives of warriors and apprentices revolve around work, there is little leisure time as prey is scarce. While apprentices are assigned mentors, the education of apprentices is handled largely as a group effort as is much else in this harmonious clan. Apprentices and mentors rarely form strong bonds, as they spend much of their time training in groups. Kits are to be protected and are a central part of clan life, being taught from a young age about the traditions of SunClan. Elders are respected for their age and the moons they have spent serving their clan, they are often turned to as sources for advice. Cats of all ages within SunClan are given a voice in the activities of the clan, but are also expected to go along with any decision once it has been made even if they voiced their disagreement.
Residing on the windy moors south of EclipseClan, SunClan’s primary prey consists of hares. Their diet is supplemented by other creatures such as mice and lizards, but these are less common on the moors than they are in the forest. To catch the quick hares, SunClan cats work together in small groups to trap the animal. It is a difficult task that takes excellent teamwork and moons of training to accomplish, and even then hunting is rarely completely successful. Apprentices must spend most of their time practicing hunting in order to feed the clan, which often lies on the brink of starvation, so training in fighting skills falls behind. As their territory and camp provides very little shelter from the elements, SunClan is the clan most affected by the seasons. Drought in Green-Leaf can be devastating, as can the cold of Leaf-Bare. During New-Leaf wildflowers blossom all over the territory, but flash flooding can be dangerous. Aside from simply the weather, badgers and foxes pose a common threat, as well as dogs wandering in from the city, and rouges. The camp must be well guarded, as there is nothing stopping one of these from wandering in once they smell cat. Their camp is nothing more than a shallow dip between hills of the moors where the clans sleeps with the stars above them. A wide, hollow stump lies towards the edges of the camp and serves as a shelter for kits or sick cats during bad weather, or as a prison. Leaders hold meetings from the top of this stump. A thunderpath runs straight through their territory, separating their camp from their source of water and border with EarthClan, a river. They are enclosed by the edges of the city and by thunderpaths in all other directions, with NightClan to their north and the loner city and plains to the south and west.
SunClan has a unique history, as they were formed by a band of loners wishing for the stability of clan life, but with little knowledge of the traditions of the clans. They had no single founder and from the beginning worked as a group, playing by ear on how to be a clan. Once the other clans learned of their existence, MoonClan suggested each clan send a small group of cats to live with them for a moon and teach them clan traditions. From this they were able to learn about the traditions of the clan, of Star Clan and The Warrior Code, but also valuable information on the other clans. Moons passed as SunClan distanced themselves from the other clans in order to avoid the war going on, but as a drought hit the clan they were forced to break their formerly isolationist policies towards the other clans. They have remained active in clan politics since, enjoying little of the isolationism they were founded on.
EarthClanners are tolerant, compassionate, and grounded. The Warrior Code is generally considered to be a good general outline on how to live a good life, but is rarely implemented to the letter and EarthClan values encouraging each cat’s strengths rather than upholding the conformity of the other clans. Of the clans, EarthClan is the most accepting of outsiders and has the most variable belief in StarClan, with both devout believers in StarClan and the most skeptical cats living in harmony. While EarthClanners are expected to work with and protect their clanmates when necessary, cats are usually closest to their immediate family and a small group of friends.
EarthClan has the most flexible idea of what a clan is and what the role of every cat should be, which is reflected in the clan’s hierarchy. The leader typically take a gentle approach to leadership, opting to guide their clan through times of hardship and counseling members through disputes, rather than demanding total loyalty and obedience. The deputy has much of the same authority of the leader and is usually expected to support the leader with the administrative tasks of clan-life. The role of the medicine cat is extremely variable, as each medicine cat is allowed to find their own balance between their roles and healers and spiritual guides for the clan. Often the medicine cats act as confidants for the warriors, and thus works more closely with the leader in determining clan policies than medicine cats in other clans typically do. Warriors protect and feed the clan, but the relative lack of dangers and abundance of prey gives EarthClanners more leisure time than cats of the other clans. Much of this time goes toward building strong ties with their other clan mates by exchanging apprentices or sharing tongues. Apprentices, meanwhile, are encouraged to see their mentor as someone who can help them on the path of refining their own unique talents, rather than someone responsible for teaching them the specifics of clan hunting and fighting techniques. Training sessions are therefore centered on what the apprentice’s specific talents are, and mentors frequently call in other warriors who complement the apprentice’s growing talents to help. As a result of this individualistic approach to training, EarthClan has no overarching battle strategy or known fighting techniques, which makes them an unpredictable enemy. Kits are cherished and protected by the clan, and given a bit more room to cause trouble than the kits of the other clans are. Elders are held in the highest respect, both honored for their wisdom and their many hard seasons spent serving the clan. They give advice to anyone who asks- and often those who don’t- and are expected to teach kits about StarClan and the Code.
EarthClanners are content, well-fed cats with bright fur of many colors. Their pelts tend to be longer than those of cats of other clans, which makes them an asset while swimming. Due to this and the rare appearance of scars on their pelts, EarthClan cats are often considered to be more beautiful than cats of the other clans. This has two effects: the high occurrence of cross-clan relationships involving EarthClanners, and that EarthClan cats have been be kidnapped by twolegs who mistook them for lost kittypets. Somewhat to the bewilderment of other clans, many EarthClan cats have a talent for swimming and are even known to splash through the muddy rivers just for the fun of it. The wide variety of talents that EarthClan opts to nurture results in a diverse set of hunting strategies, making them collectively capable of catching any type of prey they may happen upon from rodents, to birds and even to fish. As a result of this wide variety of hunting strategies and the sheer abundance of easily caught prey, EarthClanners are by far the most well-fed clan and have more leisure time than the other clans.
However, their lives are not without danger. While foxes and badgers are rarely found in EarthClan’s territory, venomous snakes have claimed the lives of many EarthClan apprentices and cats must always be on the lookout for them when wading through the marshy forest. Fish serve as the primary prey for EarthClan warriors, though they are known to hunt land creatures as well. Birds are seen as a last-resort and many cats turn their noses to them outside of leaf-bare. EarthClan is the most well-fed clan, however even they are affected by seasonal drops in available prey. While they are rarely in danger of starvation, Leaf-Bare ends their time of plenty and more frequent hunting patrols are sent out. New-Leaf is the most dangerous time of year for this clan, as increased rainfall can lead to flooding.
EarthClan’s marshy forest territory is tied together by a net of rivers that both provide prey and offer a natural barrier against the other water-hating clans. The forest is thinner than that of MoonClan and is known to flood during New-Leaf, but is rich with a variety of prey. EarthClan has a fittingly comfortable home, lying just below a fork in the river. Just where the river splits, the medicine cats have made their den out of woven reeds. In the center of the camp lies a large ivy-covered rock, where the leader performs ceremonies, with an old tree leaning against it. Under the boulder, much like in MoonClan, lies the leader’s den. The tree itself houses two dens, the elders’ den and the nursery, under its tangled net of roots. Eastward facing is the nursery, kept a safe distance from the river. The elders den is cozy, with a padding of warm moss. It lies under the same tree as the nursery, facing westward. The warriors’ den lies in a thorn bush right beside the river and is known to flood in bad weather. The apprentice den rests under a dense bramble thicket, across the clan entrance from the warriors den. An old fox den served as the prison during Sharkstar's rule of BoneClan, but it has since been destroyed and converted into a shallow pool for kits to safely play in. The river marks their border with MoonClan and SunClan to their north and west, and to the south and east thunderpaths mark their borders with the Loners Forest. Hawk’s Tree lies in the northwestern point of their territory.
EarthClan was formed by two unlikely allies: fierce and cunning NightClan and kind and peaceful DawnClan. While this merge was initially rocky and the other clans refused to acknowledge their legitimacy as one, new clan rather than an alliance of two clans, EarthClan settled into their identity and territory after a generation. This unique history is the cause of their belief that tolerance and acceptance of individuality, rather than conformity, should be among the foundational pillars of a clan.
EclipseClan is renowned for their resourcefulness and ferocity and take a unique approach to what it means to be a clan: only the strongest and most devoted cats deserve to live among a clan. EarthClanners have to claw their way to survival, so it comes as little surprise that when it comes to getting something they want, the ends justify the means. EclipseClanners will play lip service to the code, but will bend aspects of it to suit their own beliefs. As well, they have the unique belief that only worthy cats are allowed into StarClan, which excludes cats who lived a compassionate, but unremarkable life. When times get rough, EclipseClan is known to feud amongst themselves and thus requires a strong leader to maintain order. Due to the lack of resources in their territory and the multitude of dangers, EclipseClanners do accept outsiders into their ranks, but only those who they deem worthy and who are willing to assimilate fully into clan life and beliefs. However, it would be a mistake to classify them as merely evil. Their lives are a struggle from birth and they must be hard cats to live past apprenticehood. Many are truly loyal to their clan and take great pride in their fierce reputation and history. There is little uniformity in the colors or build of EarthClan cats, as many are former kittypets, loners or gang members and have little or no clan blood.
EclipseClanners are expected to prove their worth, often through shows of force. Cats who speak out of turn or otherwise disrespect their superiors better have the standing to back up what they say with action, or they’re bullied back into submission. As such, EclipseClan’s leader must be strong in every sense of the word and carefully choose their deputy, who may either be their biggest asset or plot their overthrow. Medicine cats hold a unique position in the clan, where they must balance the day-to-day burdens of a usually both injured and sick population and maintain respect. As such, EclipseClan medicine cats often take a harsher approach to healing and spiritual guidance than the more compassionate medicine cats of other clans. Warriors are expected to be strong fighters and bring back their share of food every day, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay in the camp and- if they prove too great a burden- may be run out of the territory entirely. As the city is dangerous, cats rarely leave alone, but patrols that are too large can raise two-leg suspicions and even cause a raid on EclipseClan’s camp. As such, patrols are usually in pairs or trios, with many patrols heading out throughout the day. Apprentices and mentors do not have a close relationship, though an apprentice’s failure reflects poorly on the mentor. Therefore, mentors often take a sink-or-swim style of training. Apprentices that prove too soft for this treatment are often badly injured, or run out of the clan. As a result, EclipseClanners are individually fierce in battle, but their lack of ties to their clanmates and the little overarching organization weakens their ability to fight organized opponents with a coherent battle strategy. As birth into EclipseClan guarantees no place among their ranks as a warrior, queens are even known to begin training their kits at a young age to give them an edge. Few cats live to become elders, and it isn’t a rank cats look forward to. While The Warrior Code forbids EclipseClanners from banishing the elders as they would younger cats who don’t pull their own weight, the threat still hangs in the air and elders often turn to helping the medicine cat or queens to prove their continued usefulness to the clan.
EclipseClan makes their home in the harsh city, living amongst the two-legs. An abandoned two-leg nest serves as their camp, the different rooms serving as dens and the living room as the clearing. Leaders conduct ceremonies from the perch of the kitchen counter, and make their den in the empty cabinets below. The camp is filthy, mold growing up the walls and littered with bones and scraps of past meals. The kitchen pantry serves as the medicine den, a closet for the elders which more often is used as a prison. Warriors and apprentices reside in the bedrooms, and a half-bath has been made into the nursery. Bordered to the north and west by city gangs, to the south by SunClan and to the east by MoonClan, EclipseClan is surrounded by potential enemies on all sides as well as the dangers that come along with living with two-legs. All of their borders are prone to change at the drop of a hat and they must fight for every fox-length of what they have. Notable landmarks include Blizzard’s Bar, where cats gathered during Fallenstar’s War to exchange news, Origam's Palace, and Raven’s Fortress.
EclipseClanners are the strongest fighters, taught from a very young age how to defend themselves, and even how to kill other cats. This is a vital skill in the city, where gangs cause trouble, wild dogs run free and there may truly be danger lurking in every corner. Understandably, hunting is viewed as less important, as cats can scavenge through two-leg garbage and fight off rats and other competitors for a more reliable food source than prey could provide. EclipseClan’s one claim to stability is their relative invulnerability to the elements. Due to their two-leg style camp, EarthClanners are relatively sheltered from the heat of the summer and chill of leaf-bare, as well as being safe from most flooding and droughts. Their scavenging also builds some degree of stability, as they are not badly affected by seasonal variations in prey and remain relatively well fed through leaf-bare.
EclipseClan was formed by a group of NightClan rebels who opposed the NightClan-DawnClan merge that resulted in EarthClan. As such, they place a high regard on their identity as a clan, and are quick to lash out against any insults or insinuations that they lack the honor of more traditional or uniform clans. Even generations after the merge, many EclipseClanners regard EarthClan as full of traitors who do not respect the sacrifices of their ancestors or what it truly means to live as a clan.
Mentors and Apprentices
Stormpaw – Stormblaze
Soulpaw- Milfoilcloud
SunClan apprentices are trained communally by all of the warriors in the clan and thus do not receive specific mentor assignments.
Fadingpaw- Larkwatcher
Fernpaw- Silverfern
Wonderpaw- Firelight
Briarpaw- Larkwatcher
Rosepaw- Smokepelt
Dapplepaw- Twitch
Snowpaw- Cloverleaf
Spiderpaw- Tigermask
Cobrapaw- Silvershade
Darkpaw- ???
Dovepaw- ???
Eaglepaw- Swiftnight
Oxalispaw- ???
Mulleinpaw- Silvershade
Mosspaw- Swiftnight
Chicorypaw- Gingerpine
Cloudpaw- Ravenflower
Viperpaw- Valentine
Winterpaw- Endingday
Frostpaw- Acsa
Glacialpaw- Flameblaze
Birchpaw- ???
Winterpaw- Endingday