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Monthly Meow LIX

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, April 28, 2017

Hello everyone! It’s been a rather slow April around the site, as we took a pause in the plot to make sure we were heading in the direction members wanted to. The ball is rolling again now, and DawnClan has proposed merging clans directly to Boundstar. While Boundstar condemned the whole idea, as NightClan comes to see the power they will have over DawnClan in Creekstar’s assumed death, he will take a more favorable outlook toward the merge. While the merge unfolds in DawnClan and NightClan, SunClan and MoonClan will struggle to maintain contact and establish a clear relationship. SunClan’s greencough outbreak will continue and as the addition of new head warriors and upcoming leadership changes as Scorchedwings then Jaguarstar retire, they will have to adjust to potentially much stricter leadership. As always, please share your thoughts on what direction the plot should be heading on the Plot Planning Page.

Out of character, this past month we’ve seen a huge wave of new members joining the roleplay. Registrations will be closing soon, so if you have any friends who have been meaning to join but haven’t gotten around to it yet, make sure they sign up within the next few days. As well, I have yet to receive any concepts or submissions for member submitted Monthly Meows and have decided to sweeten the deal by taking a human or cat portrait request from anyone who writes a 300+ word Monthly Meow body from now until July 31st. For the details, please check the Member Submitted Monthly Meows blog entry. The clan counts have also started to return the larger number I’m used to seeing, with MoonClan at 103 characters, NightClan at 89, DawnClan hat 62, and SunClan hat 86. DawnClan’s low number concerns me less than it otherwise might, as the EarthClan merge should be happening soon.

This month we’re going to be taking a little break from the canon vs. Warrior Cats of the Forests comparisons I’ve been writing for the past few months in favor of another get-to-know-each-other questions game. Thank you, Shiryuu, for the suggestion!

1. Something about you that most people don't know? 2. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what? 3. Do you sing in the shower? If so, what do you sing? 4. Strangest childhood injury? 5. Have any weird fears? 6. If you had a boat, what would you name it? 7. What is the craziest thing you believed as a kid, or were even tricked into believing when you were older and should have known better? 8. What is your least favorite, but often repeated, quote or piece of advice? Why don’t you like it? 9. If you had to be a plant, what kind of plant would you be and why? 10. Funniest YouTube video (or anything else) you’ve seen recently? 11. What would you consider to be the scariest children’s movie you ever seen? 12. Describe your least favorite commercial. 13. What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done? 14. If you had to haunt one building for the next 100 years, which building would you haunt? 15. What supply in your house always runs low, and no one ever remembers to buy? (paper towels, batteries, lightbulbs, whatever) 16. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? 17. If you could know the ultimate truth to any one question, what would you ask? 18. If you had to eat a raccoon, how would you cook it? 19. What is your favorite thing about one of your grandparents? 20. What is your favorite Wikipedia article? 21. You can change three minor things about the world. What are they? 22. What is your current desktop background? 23. How long do you think you’d last in a zombie apocalypse? 24. What are you supposed to be doing right now? 25. If you could pick any character from a TV show and pair them with any character from a book for a whole new story, who would you put together? This relationship can be romantic/platonic/defined-by-their-mutual-love-of-earthworm/whatever.

I look forward to reading your answers!



Willowkit, Distortedkit, Warpedkit, Dragonkit, Unbreakingkit, Petalkit, Scribekit: Early May

Redkit, Hedgekit, Scorchkit, Hyperkit, Elk-kit, Doekit, Hawk-kit, Leafkit: Mid May

Halfkit, Streamkit: Late May


Pachyrachispaw, Deathpaw Firepaw, Cloudedpaw, Kai: Early May

Firepaw, Peregrinepaw, Ploverpaw, Rubypaw, Amberpaw, Owl: Mid May

Elder: Jerboapounce


Medicine Cat Apprentice: Crookedpaw (Early May)


Blazingkit: Early May

Mask, Oak: Mid May


Nightpaw, Queenpaw, Killerpaw, Gatheringpaw, Huntingpaw, Mongrelpaw, Nebulapaw, Phantompaw, Swamp-paw, Meadowpaw, Kingpaw: Early May

Flamepaw, Shimmeringpaw, Gracklepaw, Rustpaw, Norma Jean, Blizzardpaw: Mid May

Midnightpaw, Scorchpaw: Late May

Death: SunFleck



Loomingkit, Swankit, Macawkit, Ravenkit, Smallkit, Velvetkit: Early May

Penguinkit, Walruskit: Mid May


Goldenpaw, Featherpaw: Early May

Malardpaw: Mid May

Elder: Alienfish

Death: Flintwhisper


Medicine Cat Apprentice: Dappledpaw (Late May)


Heatherkit, Cloverkit, Fallowkit, Mottledkit: Early May

Patchedkit, Crowkit, Wildkit, Paintedkit, Lycaonkit, Doekit, Owlkit, Lilykit, Prairie-dogkit, Storm: Mid May

Wavingkit: Late May


Tinypaw, Dawnpaw, Mysticpaw: Early May

Anput, Nafretiri, Brownpaw, Wanderingpaw, Chigaru, Qebhsenuef, Tazmanianpaw: Mid May

Elders: Scorchedwings, Horus, Set, Thoth, Osiris

Deaths: Morningserval, Brindlesplash

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