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Monthly Meow LXIX

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, February 25, 2018

Hi guys! I hope that you’ve all had a fantastic February. Here on Warrior Cats of the Forest, we’ve had a busy month. Out-of-character, we welcomed in two waves of new members and continued our on-going battle against Webs’ many errors. Most notably, members have been struggling with updating their profile pages. List checks will continue as usual, but any infractions we find won’t be held against you until the glitch works itself out. On the Main Plot Planning Thread, we’re trying to get a proper head count of Deliverance members. If you have any cats in the Deliverance, please list them there. In-character, the clans have been struck by an unusually harsh leaf-bare. MoonClan and EarthClan have temporarily moved in with EclipseClan and SunClan will join them there soon. For more information, check out the planned events section of The History Page and the Plot Planning Threads.

The community building tip of the month is to use seemingly small actions and in-character comments to flesh out the plot. Taking initiative to move forward major plot points or start up trouble is great, but sometimes it can be intimidating to jump straight into seemingly-complicated or exclusive plot points, especially for newer members. However, getting involved in the plot can be as easy as having your characters comment on what is going on around them. Right now, the clans are in a cold, harsh leaf-bare, so the cats should be desperate, irritable, and hungry. You can also incorporate the plot into your characters’ live in more major ways. For instance, if you’re planning on removing a few characters that you don’t play often anymore, you can have them die of cold or sickness instead of simply leaving the clans or dying “off-screen.” In time, it gets easier to take a more active role in progressing the plot, but it’s really the small, seemingly insignificant actions that ground the roleplay and there’s no shame in starting to get involved with baby steps.

This month we’re going to be taking a little break from the analysis-heavy Monthly Meows I’ve been publishing for the last few months in favor of another get-to-know-each-other questions game.

1. What’s something about you that most people don't know?

2. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what?

3. Strangest childhood injury?

4. Have any weird fears?

5. If you had a boat, what would you name it?

6. What is the craziest thing you believed as a kid, or were even tricked into believing when you were older and should have known better?

7. What is your least favorite, but often repeated, quote or piece of advice? Why don’t you like it?

8. If you had to be a plant, what kind of plant would you be and why?

9. Describe your least favorite commercial in excessive detail.

10. What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?

11. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

12. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Is cereal a soup?

13. What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?

14. If you had to haunt one building for the next 100 years, which building would you haunt?

15. What supply in your house always runs low, and no one ever remembers to buy? (paper towels, batteries, lightbulbs, whatever)

16. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

17. If you could know the ultimate truth to any one question, what would you ask?

18. If you had to eat a raccoon, how would you cook it?

19. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve found something that you lost?

20. What is your favorite Wikipedia article?

21. You can change three very minor things about the world. What are they?

22. What is your current desktop background?

23. What are you supposed to be doing right now?

24. What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?

25. What is your favorite joke? Whoever’s answer makes me laugh the hardest will get a sketch of whichever character they’d like.



Pricklekit, Tsarkit, Fenneckit, Valleykit, Ragekit: Early March

Frozenkit, Tinderkit, Web, Daykit, Beachkit, Meadowkit, Gladekit, Plateaukit, Forestkit: Mid March

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Twilightpaw (Early March)


Warpaw, Snakepaw, Rosepaw: Early March

Ashpaw, Dovepaw, Copperpaw, Edelweisspaw, Redpaw, Birchpaw, Winter, Midnightpaw, Cinderpaw, Flarepaw, Havenpaw: Mid January

Lunarpaw: Late January

Deaths: Reichstag, Ghostwolf



Hornetkit, Glacierkit, Rabbitkit: Early March

Omnikit, Pepperkit, Redkit, Spark-kit, Lostkit: Mid March

Shadowedkit, Russetkit, Tangy, Blazingkit: Late March


Ravenpaw, Sandpaw, Endlesspaw, Ternpaw: Early March

Pebblepaw, Tunnelpaw, Hollypaw, Pinepaw: Late March

Elder: Ambrosia



Lionskit, Flurrykit, Crashkit: Early March

Viperkit, Stormkit, Fadedkit: Mid March

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Troutpaw (Late March)


Rowanpaw, Lightningpaw: Early March

Sootpaw, Shypaw: Mid March

Wolfpaw, Pebblepaw, Blackpaw, Mysterypaw, Duskpaw, Stonepaw, Acornpaw, Bluepaw: Late March

Elder: Penguinflight

Death: Lightningfire



Spiderkit, Mesquitekit, Foxkit, Ravenkit, Rook-kit, Crowkit, Scornfulkit: Early February

Coldkit, Warmkit: Late February


Ashpaw, Blackpaw, Dieselpaw, Kudzupaw: Early March

Hollowpaw, Ravenpaw, Ghostlypaw: Mid March

Delano, Apparion, Bepper, Avellino, Clarisse, Fencepaw: Late March

Elder: Wolfstrike

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