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Monthly Meow LXXIII

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Hi everyone! It’s been a very unusual month on the website as first it went near-dormant with lack of new members due to a Webs glitch, then suddenly roared back to life with our move to Wix. The last few days have been particularly hectic and I want to thank you all again for your patience as I set up the website. The vast majority of major changes are over, barring the design competition which will be posted July 4th, but a handful of small changes are still in progress.

Now that this website is officially open, you’re welcome to start inviting your friends to join and I will be sending out invites to members who were waiting for the Webs captcha glitch to be resolved to join soon. However, please wait for the URL to be transferred over to this website before you start to advertise. Unfortunately, I don’t know when exactly this will happen and it could be as soon as tonight or as late as two weeks from now, so we’re all going to have to wait and see.

In the meantime, we can focus on settling into the new forums and getting the roleplay back on track. In particular, I hope that we can work on plot planning and set up some concrete events for the next month or so as well as a loose idea of the direction we want to take the war in.



Vervainkit, Caramelkit, Hazelkit, Mallowkit, Maplekit, Hopskit, Elderkit, Pinekit, Elmkit, Cedarkit, Mintkit, Sassafraskit: Mid July

Tansykit, Willowkit: Late July


Canopuspaw: Early July

Blossompaw, Bardpaw, Roguepaw: Mid July

Brownpaw: Late July

Medicine Cat: Clericpaw (Mid July)

Elders: Nightmarehowl, Scorchwing, Ace, Daggerstripe

Deaths: Nightfrost, Hoshi



Kiwiikit, Jaykit, Nightkit, Twinkit, Tigerkit: Mid July


Ragingpaw: Early July

Firpaw, Rabbitpaw, Clatterpaw: Late July

Elders: Bullet, Frostpatch, Nuclearburst, Slatepelt

Deaths: Desertspring, Vanishingflame, Enchantingmist



Gallentpaw, Guardianpaw, Honorpaw, Resilientpaw, Plashpaw: Early July

Blue-eyes, Black Feather, Broken eggshell, Bleached Bone, Eagle’s Throat, Lionpaw, Fallen Birch: Mid July

Bluepaw, Runningpaw, Petalpaw: Late July

Elders: Knightfish, Hauntednightmares, Panthergaze, Brackenstorm, Nightfall



Devil May Care, Grave Yard, Margarita, Hellion: Late July


Enzio, Monroe, Oshun: Early July

Cider, Sake, Mead, Busch: Mid July

Eros: Late July

Elders: Hades

Deaths: Hollowstar

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