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Monthly Meow X

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, March 30, 2013

Dear lovely website members! Its Snaketfang, back with another Monthly Meow. A lot has happened this past month, the war between Moon Clan and Night Clan was restarted when several young Night Clan warriors attacked Moon Clan. Moon Clan returned fire with fire and attacked Night Clan, there were heavy casualties on both sides. Dawn Clan was also dragged into the war, they attacked Moon Clan after Bloodrose was found dead at the border. The war is now three sided, with all of the clans involved. Peace is no where in sight, the original conflict has been forgotten and everyone is out for revenge. The clans are nearly equal in number, with none having the obvious advantage of number, Dawn Clan has 17, Night Clan has 19, and Moon Clan has 20. It is just as well Moon Clan has the most, even if they only hold the lead by one cat, seeing as they are being attacked by both sides now.

I am going to start posting a "To Do" list in every Monthly Meow, because we haven't been doing a terribly good job keeping up with ceremonies and such.

  1. (Completed) Warrior Ceremonies needed ASAP: Birdpaw, Moonpaw, Hollypaw

  2. (completed) Apprentice Ceremones between 4/1/13 and 4/14/13- Stonekit, Robinkit

  3. Warriors that must become elders before the end of April: Marshlily, Rueflower

  4. KILL UNUSED CHARACTERS! The clans are beginning to overflow with characters that are rarely if ever used, we all have a few: Silvermoon, Rustfur, Eaglepaw, Splatterfur, Creampelt, ect. ect. ect. I won't force you to kill any, but if you don't use the character it's just clogging up your character limit and the pages.

And I am making a rather unimportant and probably long-awaited change: I am lowering the amount of time a queen has to be pregnant for before having her kits from a month to two weeks. This takes affect immidietly, enjoy the reduced wait.

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