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Monthly Meow XLIII

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, December 29, 2015

This past December has been filled with new things all over the site: three new guides, a handful of new members, an information page reorganization that resulted in a new page, and the start of a new arc. In character, the clans flood has forced the clans to live together in an abandoned barn in SunClan’s territory. The scarcity of prey, space, and privacy is bound to cause some trouble soon, both in causing the clans to clash and by bringing them closer to each other than they have ever been before.

This will be the fourth clan demographics analysis, the others can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE. Please note that the most recent data was taken December 18th, there will be some differences between what the clans looked like then and what they look like now.


The total number of cats has followed the pattern of rising at a decreasing rate, only 16 cats larger than it was in August. This is likely a result of the number of active members allowed on the website being tightly controlled through closed registrations to prevent the website from growing too large. Most members have a rough number of characters they’re comfortable playing at a time, so when they settle in the clan population will only rise dramatically with a dramatic rise in memberships. NightClan is the largest clan at 130 (28% of the total characters) cats and DawnClan is the smallest at 94 (20% of the total characters).

We have a more balanced male/female ratio than we have had since around this time last year, possibly because we have a higher number of male members than we often do and roleplayers tend to be more comfortable roleplaying characters of their ownw gender. The two clans with the more traditionally masculine characteristics (MoonClan and NightClan) have a higher percent of males than the more traditionally feminine clans (DawnClan and SunClan), a tendency shown in past clan demographic reviews.

The average age is a little less than where it was in August, but still higher than where it was last year. For individual clans, interestingly, SunClan and MoonClan have the youngest populations—possibly a reflection of the sudden wave of SunClan kits and the older generation of MoonClan dying in Weepingstar’s War. NightClan has the oldest population, which is strange to me considering how large they are and the number of new characters added to that clan recently.

The working vs. nonworking populations are around where they usually are, nothing too surprising there. SunClan had a wave of new litters recently, so they have a larger number of nonworking cats because of the high kit population.

For this Monthly Meow, I went ahead and plotted the number of characters of each age range for each clan.


As a general trend, the older the character the fewer of them there are—nothing shocking.


Nothing in the individual clan age graphs stand out to me as particularly interesting, they spike back and forth as a reflection of clan popularity and the tendency for new characters to be created in waves.

I’ve also plotted the clan populations from December 2014 to December 2015. These are not perfect, as the records were not all taken at the same time (most come from the first week of the month, however a few were from later) but the general trend should be roughly the same.


Interestingly, the overall clan population dipped over the summer, the time in which the site usually anticipates the most activity, and peaked in October, when registrations were never opened.


The individual graphs were somewhat less surprising. Over the 13 months tracked, MoonClan varied the most. Its population nearly doubled between July and October, in the height Weepingtiger’s rule, then fell with the medicine cat’s regime. NightClan has remained largely in the middle for population. DawnClan has experienced a gradual loss of popularity, hopefully that will rise soon and the clan populations will return to being more even. SunClan remained fairly consistently the least populous clan until September, when DawnClan became the smallest clan.

Ceremony lists:



Snowkit, Coalkit: Early January

Deerkit, Acornkit: Mid January

Aurorakit, Pinekit, Flarekit: Late January


Lunarpaw, Sweetpaw, Truthpaw, Littlepaw, Darkpaw, Astralpaw, Scorchedpaw, Winterpaw, Wolfpaw Skypaw, Silverpaw, Huskypaw: Early January

Wildpaw, Pumapaw, Enchantingpaw, Ravenpaw, Seikatsu, Mushroom, Orangepaw, Khan: Mid January

Shinku, Aka, Bramblepaw: Late January

Elders: Paintedsmile, Nighthearet

Deaths: Brazensuns, Frontrunner



Silentkit, Nightkit, Thunderkit, Berserker, Fenrir, Asgard, Skoll, Saga, Freyja, Sif, Loki, Asgard: Mid January

Frostedkit, Venomkit: Late January

Warriors and Medicine Cat:

Deep-paw Infernopaw, Changingpaw, Scarletpaw, Warmpaw, Silkpaw, Strongpaw, Quietpaw, Evilpaw, Brickpaw: Early January

Mallowpaw, Moonpaw, Pumpkinpaw, Poppypaw, Nocturnalpaw, Bonepaw, Sunpaw, Mintpaw, Irispaw, Sacredpaw, Stormpaw, Cryingpaw: Mid January

Hel, Sigrid, Sjojn: Late January

Elders: Midnighthmelody, Willow-whisper, Spottedpath



Dark-kit, Stormkit, Snowkit, Oceankit, Dappledkit: Early January

Eighthkit, Maggotkit, Victorykit, Lynxkit, Ashkit, Seraphkit, Cherrykit, Honeykit, Hookedkit: Mid January

Ravenkit, Snowykit, Shadowkit, Riverkit, Waterkit, Fenkit, Newtkit: Late January

Warriors and Medicine Cat:

Bluepaw, Catpaw, Beepaw, Wolfpaw, Skeleteonpaw, Molassespaw: Early January

Tornadopaw: Mid January



Cobaltkit, Dustykit, Fireflykit, Nocturnalkit, Prairiekit, Moltenkit, Glowingkit, Evilkit, Phantomkit, Hazelkit, Arctickit, Honeykit: Early January

Spiritkit, Molekit, Orcakit, Brokenkit, Tornadokit, Ravenkit, Sandykit: Mid January

Spottedkit, Dawnkit: Late January


Wrenpaw, Amberpaw, Blazingpaw, Mistypaw, Serpentinepaw, Moosepaw, Kudos: Early January

Featherpaw, Gingerpaw: Mid January

Eonpaw, Voidpaw, Desloatepaw, Duskpaw, Agelesspaw, Solsticepaw: Late January

Elders: Brookleaf, Jupiterstorms, Saturnrings, Eclipsedheart, Silobriar, Daisylight

Deaths: Timelessnight, Darkblaze, Cryinglynx, Hollowtears

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