Original Post: Ember, June 28, 2016
Hello! This past June has been spent setting up the isolation arc and getting to know a handful of new members. Memberships are still open but registrations have slowed, so it would be a great help if y’all would invite your friends to the site or help me advertise.
The isolation plot has gotten off to a slow start, but hopefully we’ll be able to move things along this coming July. MoonClan will face few problems of their own initially, however when rumors spread about what is happening in the other clans they will start sending spies. These actions will be justified as promoting stability, however will ultimately prompt the other clans to send in spies to cripple the other clans. In NightClan, Poppystar will be adopting a cruel, tyrannical leadership style and encourage her warriors to be fiercer to promote NightClan as the strongest clan. To prove that they’re the strongest, NightClan will be sabotaging the other clans. DawnClan will have their loyalties split between Echostar and Seraphgaze, who will focus on acceptance and loyalty, respectively. They will face food shortages caused by NightClan’s tampering that will be exacerbated by a growth in their clan population caused by accepting new members who have fled from the other clans. SunClan will become far stricter and creat a new rank of “Head Warriors” to assist the leader and deputy in keeping the clan in line, in response to the various issues caused by a general lack of discipline among their ranks. The Plot Planning Page has more details; if you haven’t already I highly suggest that you read it over.
While reviewing the survey responses in May, I discovered that there are a few features of the website that many members don’t know about, on top of resources that new members usually have to be told about, rather than discovering them on their own. With this Monthly Meow I’ll hopefully be able to clear up some confusion or tell you about a feature you didn’t know existed.
First off are the guides (found at the top of the Help Page). While almost everyone knows that we do have guides, I often find that members don’t make use of them. If you haven’t already, be certain to skim over them, even if you think you don’t need to. All of these guides were created in response to a member request or to answer commonly asked questions, so there is bound to be something you didn’t know before
The Update Log is a fairly recent addition to the website, created in December, and is exactly what it sounds like: a log of every update including basic clan, information, and help page updates, clan list updates, full mentor-apprentice updates, history page, calendar, art page, new members removed, page cleaning— if you ever want to know when a resource was last updated or touched up this is the place to go. Links to the Update Log can be found on the Character Updates Page and under the Guides section of the Help Page.
The Helpful Links section of the Help Page is another easily overlooked resource. Here, I put links to outside websites with useful information about the Warriors universe and roleplaying that aren’t specific to this website. Here you’ll find everything from guides to the different herbs that medicine cats use, to pelt color and pattern guides, to warrior name generators. It’s certainly worth a look over! As well, if you ever find a website that you think would be helpful to other members, you can send the link to me and I’ll add it to that section.
The mentor-apprentice list is a somewhat hard to find feature, tucked in at the bottom of the information page and is occasionally referred to the somewhat confusing name of “mentor-apprentice page” despite not being its own separate page. This is another fairly self-explanatory feature, where every apprentice is listed with their mentor.
When new members join the site, they’re often confused about what season the website is, as unlike many other roleplays we don’t have a section of the sidebar detailing the season and weather. However, we do have the seasons listed on the Help Page. The seasons rotate each month, with the current month and season bolded on the seasons list.
As well as these lesser known features, I have a handful of tips for navigating the website.
Firstly, and possibly the most life changing, is just a keyboard shortcut. CTRL+F (CMD+F if you’re on a mac) will allow you to type in and search a specific word or phrase on the page that you’re on. This is immensely helpful if you’re looking for a specific character on the clan or history pages, and is a life-saver if you’re trying to track down a specific post on the Character Updates Page.
You can organize artwork on the art page not just by album, but by how recently the art has been posted. Click “Recent Art” on the side bar, then between the albums themselves and the top paragraph explaining the art rules there is a lighter-colored bar. To the far right of this bar, there are two buttons that allow you to either sort art by how recent it is or how many comments it has. Hit “Recently Added” and you’ll be brought to a page showing all of the artwork on the site from most to least recent. This is very helpful if you’re a member who likes to comment on most work, as you don’t have to wait for new work to show up on the sidebar or look through individual albums to find new pieces to comment on.
You might have noticed that about a year ago, the News Page shifted from showing the entirety of all blog entries, to only showing the first paragraph of so of each. This change was intended to make it easier to scroll through and find a specific news entry, but can be annoying if you’re, say, looking for a specific ceremony listing and don’t want to click through every Monthly Meow. You can open the blogs back up fully by going to the News Page (either by clicking the News link on the navigation bar or the Recent News link on the side bar), then locating the search bar at the top of the page. To the right of the search bar, you will find a small button that gives you viewing options. Hit “full”, which will revert the page back to showing the entirety of all the entries, then you can scroll or CTRL+F your way to whatever you needed to find.
One feature that I get a lot of complaints about is email notifications. If you’re still getting pesky emails whenever someone comments on your page or sends you a private message, you can go to “Edit Profile” under the Members Area of the side bar, click “notification preferences”, then uncheck the box and hit submit. Ta-da! Spam free email.
Lastly, there have been some occasions where members who want to leave the site can’t figure out how to do it. If you find yourself in this situation, go to “Edit Profile” under the Members Area of the side bar, click “edit account”, then click the red minus button beside this website’s URL.
Hopefully this Monthly Meow has helped you navigate the website or informed you of some features you didn’t know about before! If you have any tips that I didn’t cover here, or had difficulty finding a feature that I didn’t mention, please comment below. Maybe y’all can show me something new!
Leviathankit: Late July
Duskpaw, Hephaestus, Firstpaw, Eveningpaw, Armada, Honeypaw: Early July
Arrowpaw, Cragpaw, Tayen’lou: Mid July
Peachpaw: Late July
Elders: Melodychant
Gildedkit, Majestickit, Charmingkit, Iriskit, Lionesskit, Islekit, Asterkit, Cinderkit, Blurrykit, Aerialkit: Early July
Cottonkit: Mid July
Opossumkit , Mothkit , Kara: Late July
Surjeon, Tidalpaw, Scarletpaw, Shadowpaw, Hades, Lakepaw, Ares, Toxicpaw, Quickpaw, Lionpaw, Coldpaw, Goldenpaw, Phantompaw, Crimsonpaw: Early July
Rippledpaw: Mid July
Halfpaw, Gandalf, Helheim, Vanaheim, Sunstone, Sundew, Dogpaw, Sunbird, Jotunheim, Goldenpaw, Toxicpaw, Fallenpaw, Nightpaw, Cherrypaw, Violentpaw, Frostpaw, Panther, Bloodypaw, Ravenpaw: Late July
Elders: Ebonyclaw
Deaths: Blackpine
Deathkit, Dark-kit, Twistedkit, Blossomkit, Tsunamikit, Avalanchekit, Halokit, Moonkit, Alienkit, Marshkit, Krakenkit, Crabkit, Floodkit, Hurricanekit, Rainykit, Troutkit, Salmonkit, Lakekit, Oceankit: Early July
Pumakit, Fishkit, Tornadokit, Bjorn, Uffe , Magnus, Lagertha: Mid July
Skeletonpaw, Spookypaw, Blitzpaw, Mammothpaw, Whitepaw, Noblepaw, Oathpaw, Angelicpaw, Brightpaw, Divinepaw, Sacredpaw, Scarypaw: Early July
Purepaw, Alphapaw, Kingdompaw, Bravepaw, Justpaw, Shadepaw, Ladybugpaw: Mid July
Pinepaw, Oddpaw, Captivatingpaw, Twopaw, Luminouspaw, Seventhpaw: Late July
Elders: Badgersplash
Deaths: Nightshadetalon
Osiris, Set, Warkit, Horus, Faminekit, Ra, Deathkit, Apophis, Ptah: Early July
Gala, Valen, Ingmar, Arnthor, Ivar, Ask, Garm: Mid July
Berrypaw: Mid July
Pigpaw, Crowpaw, Thymepaw, Streampaw: Late July
Medicine Cat: Swanpaw (Mid July)
Elders: Running-grain, Yuccathorn, Sorrelspot
Deaths: Hallowroar