Original Post: Ember, August 25, 2013
Hey guys! Emberstar here for another Monthly Meow. I have a few things to address this time. First off, welcome to all of you new members! We love to have you here; I hope it isn’t too overwhelming. Second, I have a favor to ask of you. School is starting tomorrow for me (ahhhh!) and as I am taking some pretty difficult classes, I won’t have nearly as much time to update the pages and watch the site. It would be a great help if you would keep an up-to-date list of your characters on your page. Thank you! 📷 Also, please be patient with the updates. I may only be able to do full updates once or twice a week, sorry about that.
Third, you probably noticed that we named a new moderator, congratulations to Crimson! I will name more depending on how busy I am and how many new members we get. Moderators exist mainly to monitor the actual role-playing for godmodding and powerplaying and to enforce minor rules such as double posting. Please do not ask to be a moderator, I will ask you if you want the position if I think you would be a good one and need another to keep the site in check.
Onward to the actual point of this monthly meow! This month I finally agreed to do the Fun Facts that Sunken has been begging to do for a while. The rules are easy, just come up with ten fun facts. They can be little details about your characters or their histories you’ve been hoarding, plans that failed or pretty much anything that has something to do with this site and that you think most people don’t know.
I get to cheat and come up with ones that have to do with the site itself, not just my characters.
1. In some branches of the giant family tree there have been 10 generations.
2. 20-25 years have passed on the website, judging from our 10 generation blood line starting with Moonstar, the first character.
3. None of Moonstar’s decedents live in Moon Clan.
4. There have been 7 clans in the history of the site: Moon Clan, River Clan, Bone Clan, Storm Clan, Night Clan, Dawn Clan and Sun Clan.
5. The first clan meeting every called was Moonstar addressing his clan about having only one life yet.
6. The Great War only had two actual battles, the war against Bone Clan only had one.
7. The original layout for the website was the element layout. Instead of being boring and choosing Earth, Silverwing and I decided on the water one. Water. For a website about cats.
8. Fallenstar was never supposed to be a big part of the plot, she was just a filler so I would have a character in Moon Clan after my others had moved to Storm Clan or left. Same goes for Darkeagle, Icewind and several more of my characters that ended up important –or even main- characters. The opposite is also true, Risingsun, Rabbitfur, Fallenleaves and Rabitfur’s kits were supposed to be vital to the plot but fell flat.
9. There were never supposed to be more than one clan, Moon Clan was originally going to be the only one.
10. I didn’t plan for Hawkeye to become the villain; she was supposed to become the next leader of Moon Clan after Silverstar died and just be an all-around great leader. But how boring is that? Very.
To Do:
Moon Clan:
• Apprentice Ceremonies : Silverkit, Dusk-kit- Early September Volekit, Wingkit- Mid September Wolfkit- Late September
• Warrior Ceremonies: Mirepaw- Early September, Brokenpaw- Mid September Lionpaw, Aurorapaw- Mid September to Mid October, depending on how much trouble they get themselves into.
• Other: None
Night Clan:
• Apprentice Ceremonies:
Crimsonkit, Maplekit, Dancingkit- Early September
Blackkit, Stormkit-Mid September
• Warrior Ceremonies: Nightpaw: Late September
• Other:
Dawn Clan:
• Apprentice Ceremonies: Otterpaw: Early September
• Warrior Ceremonies: Steelpaw, Vixenpaw, Purplepaw: Mid September
• Other: None
Sun Clan:
• Apprentice Ceremonies: Fallenpaw, Nightkit, Icekit, Firekit: Early September Whitekit, Sandkit: Mid September Eclipsekit: Late September
• Warrior Ceremonies: Eaglepaw: Late September
• Other: None