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Monthly Meow XX

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, January 28, 2014

Hey guys! It’s been a great month, we celebrated our 5th anniversary and welcomed a ton of new members onto the site. This MM is going to be fairly brief, I don’t have anything to rant about this time. We still need to flesh out our plan for the plot, it’d be wonderful if you guys could come and discuss it in the “Blizzard & Plot” blog entry. When I said I would make no more changes for a while, I was lying. Here’s what I’ve done in the past little while:

  • We are now holding gatherings at Hawk’s tree. The old location didn’t make sense given how far some clans –especially those in Sun Clan- would have to travel to get there

  • The time between double posts has been reduced from three hours to ten minutes, the time in which members can still edit their posts

  • Medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices can now be put up for adoption

  • Rewritten history page with a better explanation of Moonstar’s time and The BoneClan War

  • Updated map and landmarks listed and described on the information page

  • Several of the other rules were clarified

  • Changed introduction paragraph, the five year old one just wasn’t cutting it anymore

  • Deleted the space in the clan names so they are written like they are in the books

  • Renamed some of the headings on the navigation bar

  • Separate chat and advertisement boxes

  • Reorganized forum threads

It’s nothing too major, but what do y’all think of these changes? Is there anything else you think I should change? Don’t be afraid to speak up.

Stargaze suggested I talk about the landmarks for this MM, I already have them listed on the Information page but there is a lot about them that I didn’t put there and isn’t –or is barely- mentioned in the history. For the camps, there isn’t much to say besides what is posted on the page, so I will focus on non-camp landmarks. First off, the Moonstone. It’s basically the same thing as the Moonstone in the books, but it is in an underground cave rather than hidden inside the Highstones. Fallenstar's skeleton lies in front of the Moonstone from where Waterstar left it. After she went missing Night Clan looked for her, no one found her body until Snakestar eventually went to get his lives. For whatever reason he didn’t tell anyone her body was there and just left it there, Waterstar was probably too ashamed to move it herself so it was just left rotting there. At this point the clans believe that it was place there by StarClan and should not be disturbed.

Hawk’s tree, interestingly, was first called “Hawk and Silver’s Tree” because both of their bodies were left there. The tree grew in the span of one night, the cliff had been empty when their bodies were placed there and was found the next morning with the bodies disipeared. It used to seep red blood-like sap and has since stopped, leaving the white wood unstained. It is flanked on either side by a deep ravine than can be scaled by cats if they are careful enough, but can be very dangerous. The land around it is bare of all other plants and the place overall is very creepy. I have decided to hold gatherings here, as the old clearing didn’t make any sense with the addition of the newer clans. The River flows north to south. The new map shows it far better, I believe. The thinner branches are creeks and can be easily stepped through or swam across by cats in all the clans. The thicker line that makes up the MoonClan/NightClan border and cuts through DawnClan can only be swam across by DawnClan cats or cats talented in swimming; it is very wide and deep. DawnClan cats do the majority of their fishing on this branch of the river. Due to the fact neither can swim, the only way NightClan and MoonClan have into each other’s territories is through a bridge in the more northern section of their border.

Blizzard’s Bar was a common hang-out for cats during the war with Raven and a particular favorite of Hawk. Its history does not stop with Blizzard abandoning it. Origam –a cat I have somehow failed to mention on the History page- tried to create an army similar to Raven’s after her fall. He was based in this bar and was known to torture cats to death in the basement, which is still bloodstained and littered with skeletons. Following his death, cats almost entirely stopped going there. An exception to this is Fallenstar and Littleleaf, who met up here thinking they wouldn’t be discovered. Interesting place for a romantic hideout, huh. Raven’s fort is an abandoned hotel on the NightClan/SunClan border. As you would expect, it was easily able to house her enormous army. Kits and queens were sheltered in the basement and fed by the army if they promised to give half of their kits to the cause when they reached an age when they were weaned. Other halls housed the guards, her messangers and usual soldiers. Raven herself usually sat on a balcony overlooking the entry way.

Ceremonies for this Month:


Apprentice Ceremonies:

Wolfkit, Redkit, Dustkit, Wingkit: Early February

Spicekit, Tinykit, Brackenkit: Mid February

Spiritkit, Runningkit,Ravenkit, Softkit, Striker: Late February

Warrior Ceremonies:

Skypaw, Robinpaw, Earthpaw, Bluepaw, Greypaw: Early February

Mousepaw, Gracepaw , Shadowpaw, Cedarpaw, Dockpaw: Mid February

Amberpaw, Inkpaw, Tanglepaw, Ryepaw, Angelpaw, Cardinalpaw, Owlpaw, Shaftpaw, Russetpaw, Jaggedpaw, Acornpaw: Late February

Medicine Cat Ceremonies:

Mysterypaw: ASAP

Elder Ceremonies: Stripe

Deaths: Rainflower


Warrior Ceremonies:

Blackpaw, Desertpaw, Bloodpaw, Ghostpaw, Longpaw, Leafpaw, Redpaw, Pantherpaw: Early February

Fadingpaw, Moonpaw, Swiftpaw: Mid February

Elder Ceremonies: Deadgaze

Deaths: Dingo


Apprentice Ceremonies:

Wolfkit, Brightkit, Firekit, Yewkit: Mid February

Roosterkit , Blossom, Dovekit: Late February

Warrior Ceremonies:

Brokenpaw, Shatteredpaw, Lionpaw, Lilypaw, Steampaw, Blackpaw, Minnowpaw, Granitepaw, Lynxpaw, Jaypaw, Willowpaw, Larkpaw, Stripepaw, Mudpaw: Mid February


Apprentice Ceremonies:

Redkit, Swiftkit, Swoopkit, Dark-kit, Mothkit, Miserykit, Ivykit, Shiningkit, Shadowkit, Cardinalkit, Tigerkit, Lynxkit: Early February

Foxkit, Viperkit, Jaykit, Badgerkit, Fawnkit, Sootkit, Greykit : Late February

Warrior Ceremonies:

Jaypaw, Irispaw: Mid February

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