Original Post: Ember, June 30, 2014
Hey guys! Wow, this past month has been very busy. The most recent war has come to a close, with DawnClan and SunClan defeating NightClan after Crimsonstar and Dapplestar ended their alliance. Crimsonstar was killed shortly after, leaving his deputy with potentially life-threatening wounds. As Ivoryfang, now Ivorystar, recovered NightClan was left without an active leader or an official deputy. Several NightClan kits have kidnapped kits from the neighboring clans in a prank that is beginning to spiral out of their control. I will be opening a new plot blog entry for us to discuss this and any other plot points soon.
This June we welcomed many new members to our roleplay, thank you all for helping advertise the site and telling your friends about it! It’s lovely to see new faces around and I have to say it again, welcome to the site! Just a quick reminder before I get to the meat of this Monthly Meow, multiaccounting is not allowed on this site. That is, one person cannot secretly be behind several different accounts. If you do own multiple accounts, please delete them now before you get caught. I’ve caught many multiaccounters before, if you have any high positions you will lose them and you will be allowed fewer characters when you are caught.
I am currently working on creating a new map, with more landmarks in each of the clans. Existing landmarks on the map are all of the boundaries and camps, Hawk’s Tree, The River, The Park, and The Moonstone. There are landmarks that already exist not shown on the map, including Blizzard’s Bar, Origam’s Palace and Raven’s Fortress. I have a few ideas for new landmarks, but please suggest more in the comments below if you have any ideas. Feel free to share your thoughts on any of the new ones as well, they are only ideas and if you guys don’t like them or think they should be tweaked please speak up! In MoonClan, I have three ideas: A dried sandy creek bed for training apprentices, an old twoleg path with a footbridge, and an ancient oak grove. I don’t have any new landmark ideas for NightClan, as they already have four and their camp. In DawnClan, we could add the abandoned badger set that several apprentices recently fell through and a mossy hollow for training apprentices. This isn’t mentioned on the history page, but during Snakestar’s rule in NightClan there was a forest fire between the city and the river in the area now belonging to SunClan. I can add the Burnt Woods to this area. SunClan territory could also include an abandoned barn, with some decaying wooden fences around it.
MoonClan: Apprentice Ceremonies Cougarkit, Heronkit, Shadowkit, Moosekit, Lavenderkit, Bravekit, Whitekit: Early July
Warrior Ceremonies Fadedpaw, Copperpaw, Dolphinpaw: Early July Trustpaw, Timberpaw, Tempestpaw, Wildpaw, Risingpaw, Speckledpaw, Clouden, Hollypaw: Mid July Thornpaw: Late July
Elder: Stargaze
Deaths: Brightflame
NightClan: Apprentice Ceremonies Jaykit, Frozenkit, Ibiskit , Tigerkit, Swankit: Early July Lionkit, Applekit, Ravenkit, Apocalypsekit, Warkit, Crimsonkit, Bloodkit, Peacekit, Singedkit, Wolverinekit, Tornadokit, Geyserkit, Cavernkit, Amberkit, Opalkit: Mid July Divinekit, Madkit, Stormkit: Mid July
Warrior Ceremonies Skuapaw: Late July
Elder: Spidercrawl
DawnClan: Apprentice Ceremonies Whitekit, Bluekit, Chilledkit, Twilightkit: Early July Misty: Mid July Lionkit, Dott: Late July
Warrior Ceremonies Stripepaw, Starlingpaw, Dragonpaw: Late July
Elder: Violet
SunClan: Apprentice Ceremonies Runnerkit: Early July Rika, Killian: Late July
Warrior and Medicine Cat Ceremonies Sunpaw, Icepaw, Nightpaw, Flintpaw, Firepaw, Ravenpaw, Orcapaw: Late July