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Monthly Meow XXX

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, November 27, 2014

Hey guys! It’s been a lovely November on the website and a lot has happened. SunClan and MoonClan attacked DawnClan and once NightClan arrived to help their allies, SunClan and MoonClan was defeated for a third time in a row. Tensions remained high following this battle as MoonClan’s deputy disappeared and a border skirmish between MoonClan and NightClan broke out. Wildstar revealed in a private conversation to Lichenstone, the former medicine cat who Wildstar has turned to as an unofficial deputy in Hollyheart’s absence, his intentions to remove NightClan entirely with SunClan’s help. Outside of the roleplay itself, this past month we have welcomed a whole bunch of new members to the site. Registrations will be closing again before too much longer, if you have any friends who would like to join the roleplay but haven’t yet tell them to register soon.

It’s time for some fall cleaning! I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Webs recently and discovered that certain context boxes haven’t been publishing with the rest of the pages. I went through the last few weeks of updates and fixed any problems that I could find, but I don’t know exactly how long this problem has been going on for and it’s very easy to make a mistake when doing more than a week’s worth of updates at once. I’m sorry for this, I should have caught this earlier before it became such a problem, but I need your help making sure that the pages don’t have any more mistakes on them that I didn’t catch. Everyone, please go through the pages and make sure that all of your characters are listed correctly and you have no characters under your name that you shouldn’t have. Post on the Character Updates page with any corrections you have and if all of your characters are correct and no characters are listed as yours that shouldn’t be, please post saying you have no corrections that need to be made. Make sure that the character list on your homepage is up to date as well. Thank you! (Edit: the website was last updated on the 28th of November, anything posted on the Character Updates page since then should not be counted as a correction and will be included in the next page update.)

Over the last little while I’ve had a few people ask me about how they can get a deputy, so here are a few things we look for in members when a highranking position opens up. You must follow the rules and be active as well as put effort into your roleplaying and help support the overall plot of the site. Members who are respectful and helpful, who participate in the roleplay as well as in out of character things like helping plan the plot are our first choices for high ranking characters. Strive for good grammar and spelling, try to roleplay a variety of three dimensional characters and make sure your posts are descriptive, ideally a few lines each in length. Even if you have no high-ranking characters, you can be a great help in advancing the plot by simply having your characters acknowledge what is going on in the roleplay. We are at war, mentors and apprentices should be spending extra time training for battle and all cats should be placing extra attention on enemy borders, possibly even picking a fight with enemy cats and being suspicious of cats joining their clan from enemy clans. This includes simply making characters that suit the personality of their clans, while no cat is going to fit their clan 100% it is important that the vast majority of the clan is behaving as their clan should, or they begin to get in the way of the plot.




Multikit: Early December

Shadekit: Mid December

Mistykit, Jay, Rose: Late December


Wheatpaw, Stutterpaw, Lightpaw, Moonpaw, Blackpaw: Early December

Toxicpaw: Mid December

Specklepaw, Fallenpaw, Havenpaw, Featherpaw, Flarepaw, Runepaw: Late December

Elders: Burningstorm



Cheryl, Silverkit: Early December

Spiderkit: Mid December

Shiningkit, Christiana, Adriana, Sabrina: Late December


Darkpaw: Early December

Ripplepaw, Sirenpaw: Mid December

Elders: Sagewing, Patchface



Fadingkit, Raikit, Briarkit, Birchkit, Aquakit: Early December

Mistykit, Ebonykit, Bugkit, Lionesskit, Ragingkit, Frozenkit, Shellkit, Platypuskit, Cloudedkit, Possumkit, Shreddedkit, Flashkit, Willowkit, Whitekit, Bramblekit, Songkit, Cloudkit, Starkit: Mid December

Dragonkit: Late December


Spottedpaw, Foxpaw, Poolpaw, Gempaw: Early December

Sparrowpaw, Starpaw, Crowpaw, Cheetahpaw, Olivepaw, Flowerpaw : Mid December

Waterpaw, Mosspaw, Seapaw: Late December

Elders: Fireflybreeze, Frost

Deaths: Bluestar, Flameheart, Stormspirit, Silverfin



Frostkit, Volekit, Eclipsekit, Tsunamikit, Sightlesskit, Morningkit, Robinkit, Patchkit: Early December

Warriors and Medicine Cat:

Coldpaw, Brookpaw, Mistypaw, Rustpaw, Creampaw: Early December

Stonepaw, Wishingpaw: Mid December

Cloudpaw, Cloverpaw, Fallingpaw: Late December

Deaths: Swoopmask

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