Original Post: Ember, January 30, 2015
It’s been a great month here on the site, we celebrated the sixth birthday of the website and welcomed in a whole bunch of new members. Plot-wise it’s been fairly quiet, but another battle is currently being planned on the Plot Planning news entry and I invite you all to come and join in, the more the merrier!
Just a quick reminder before we get to the meat of the Monthly Meow. The forums are meant to be roleplayed in. If you have any out of character comments, it is best to use the private message system, blog entries, people’s profile pages, or the off-topic chat box depending on the situation, rather than holding a conversation on the top of forum posts. Giving little posts like “the wind blew” so you can say an out of character comment should be avoided.
Thank you to Flight and Patch for suggesting this month’s Monthly Meow. We’re going to be doing another question game! I’ve went ahead and collected 50 fun little questions for y’all to answer in the comments below if you want, I look forward to seeing your answers!
1. What is your favorite shape? Favorite number?
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
3. Something about you that most people don't know?
4. Does your username make any interesting anagrams?
5. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what?
6. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
7. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
8. Do you sing in the shower?
9. When I dance, I look like…
10. What kind of books do you like to read?
11. Crayon, marker, or colored pencil?
12. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
13. Do you prefer cold or warm weather?
14. What is your biggest pet peeve?
15. What movie deserves a sequel?
16. Strangest childhood injury?
17. What is the funniest prank ever played on your, or played by you?
18. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
19. Zodiac sign?
20. Have any weird fears?
21. Favorite holiday?
22. Favorite Disney princess?
23. What is your favorite quote?
24. Tea or coffee?
25. Dogs or cats?
26. One word to describe yourself?
27. What do you think is your best trait?
28. Any weird or hidden talents?
29. Do you like roller coasters?
30. Are you a leftie or a rightie? Both? Bonus points if you know your dominant eye!
31. Funniest YouTube video (or anything else) you’ve seen recently?
32. Do you have any pets?
33. What would you consider to be the scariest children’s movie you ever son?
34. Would you rather be an amazing artist, or an amazing writer?
35. Favorite type of sandwhich?
36. One word to describe your computer ability?
37. Favorite book?
38. What supply in your house always runs low, and no one ever remembers to buy?
39. If you were a character on this website, what clan would you be in?
40. Any weird fears?
41. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
42. Harry Potter house, Divergent faction, Warriors clan, and such?
43. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
44. If you had to eat a raccoon, how would you cook it?
45. How long do you think you’d last in a zombie apocalypse?
46. What do you usually do when you have a lot of free time on your hands?
47. Do you like your handwriting? Describe it!
48. Are there some words you always have trouble pronouncing?
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
50. Favorite holiday?
Leopardkit, Snowkit, Tawnykit, Wolfkit, Grace: Early February
Midnightkit, Hollowkit, Whitekit, Brazenkit, Hazelkit, Woodkit, Burningkit, Shadekit, Lotuskit, Tempestkit, Silverkit: Mid February
Daisykit, Heatherkit, Stonekit, Fallingkit: Late February
Mistypaw, Jaypaw: Late February
Silverkit, Kite, Dark-kit, Firekit: Early February
Tigerkit, Autumnkit: Mid February
Warriors: Amethystpaw, Stormpaw, Emeraldpaw, Jadepaw, Sapphirepaw: Late February
Elders: Possumpelt, Fallenspirit
Deaths: Scarletpetal
Tigerkit, Emberkit, Tigerkit, Shadowkit, Lemurkit, Ink-kit, Swiftkit: Early February
Littlekit, Kisa, Rainkit, Foxkit, Mockingkit, Herokit: Mid February
Mockingkit, Deathkit, Silentkit: Late February
Thunderpaw, Mistpaw, Gregory, Raipaw, Briarpaw, Aquapaw: Early February
Mistypaw, Ebonypaw, Bugpaw, Lionesspaw, Ragingpaw, Frozenpaw, Mysterypaw, Platypuspaw, Cloudedpaw, Shreddedpaw, Dyingpaw, Willowpaw, Whitepaw, Bramblepaw , Songpaw, Cloudpaw: Mid February
Mothpaw: Late February
Elders: Clawstar
Deaths: Raze, Icefrost, Fangstorm
Tapestrykit, Jaykit: Early February
Timelesskit, Silentkit, Phantomkit, Destinykit, Thunderkit, Harvestkit, Russetkit, Reindeerkit, Eclipsekit, Dancingkit, Gingerkit, Dark-kit, Arrowkit: Mid February
Flamingkit, Mockingkit, Rollingkit, Fadingkit: Late February
Volepaw, Eclipsepaw, Sightlesspaw, Patchpaw: Early February
Grainpaw, Sootpaw: Late February
Elders: Laurelspring