Original Post: Ember, May 29, 2015
This past month on the site has been a very eventful one! The war has shifted into a new and dangerous place with MoonClan’s commitment to completely destroying NightClan to avenge past wrongs. With DawnClan backing MoonClan, the alliance will prove to be a formidable force against the sickness weakened NightClan and small, hunting focused SunClan. However, MoonClan and DawnClan won’t be able to count on this advantage for long as the disease has begun to spread through their own clans, as well as through SunClan. With so many warriors sick and dying, leaf-bare is sure to be a trying time in which they’ll face a heightened chance of starvation. In the recent medicine cat meeting, it was decided that gatherings would be put on hold until the sickness has passed, but no further plans for cooperation were made. Medicine cat meets will continue.
Outside of the roleplay, registrations were briefly opened and were welcomed in 17 new members. Some of the newer members might not know this, but there is a skype group for members of this roleplay. It’s just a fun place to talk with other members on the site about what is going on here on the site and just chat with each other about things unrelated to the roleplay. Most conversations are over text, but periodic voice calls are held, you’re welcome to join them or not if you’re not comfortable with them. If you’d like to join, private message me your skype name, I’ll add you to my contacts and then to the group as soon as I get the chance.
Recently there have been some problems surrounding ceremonies. Leaders, please be certain have your ceremonies done on time, if you are unable to do this instruct your deputy to do them for you. With each ceremony, check on the Information Page to see which apprentices lack members, and assign a mentor to any apprentices without one. Early-month ceremonies should be done before the 11th, mid-month ceremonies by the 21st, and the late-month ceremonies by the end of the month.
Angel addressed this in the off-topic chat last week; with the sudden influx of new members there have been a number of problems surrounding members attempting to enforce rules around other members. If you see another member breaking a rule and there is already a staff member handling it, please do not correct the mistake. We know that you only mean well, but having five different people telling someone they’ve broken a rule can be overwhelming. If there are no staff members active at the moment and another person has already reminded the member of the rule, please do not correct them as well. If the rule broken is not a very minor rule, such a double posting before ten minutes has passed, or persists after the first reminder, contact a staff member. Give them the location where the incident occurred (ex. DawnClan Camp, page 12) so they can handle the situation in a timely manner. Do not send private messages regarding rules broken to other members, if a situation escalates to a point where that is necessary, it should be handled by the staff only, not by members.
Kestrelkit, Gorsekit, Juniperkit, Pinekit, Bramblekit, Russetkit, Rainkit, Ripkit, Chillkit: Early June
Silentkit, Spottedkit, Yin, Plumekit, Drippingkit, Honeykit, Whitekit, Polarkit, Dusk-kit, Cottonkit: Mid June
Franz, Capricorn: Late June
Foxpaw, Birchpaw: Early June
11220, Pixle: Mid June
Sparklepaw: Late June
Adderkit, Waspkit, Stripedkit, Squirrelkit, Dancingkit, Crimsonkit, Nebulakit, Angelkit: Early June
Poppykit, Jetkit: Mid June
Nightmarepaw, Stolenpaw, Philosophypaw, Relicanthpaw, Snakepaw, Mountainpaw, Honestypaw: Early June
Lostpaw, Darkeningpaw, Kestrelpaw, Finchpaw, Horsepaw, Dusk, Dawn: Mid June
Ratpaw: Late June
Elders: Crystalthought
Deaths: Whiteraven, Mad-demon
Ivorykit, Clawkit, Lilykit, Frozenkit, Bluekit: Early June
Greykit, Burntkit, Lightkit, Orchidkit, Hawk-kit, Mirekit: Mid June
Fiercekit, Gentlekit, Briar, Desertkit, Wind, Emerald, Pinekit: Late June
Rosepaw, Ripplepaw, Wolfpaw, Luckypaw, Minnowpaw: Early June
Bluepaw, Rushingpaw, Fawnpaw, Scarletpaw, Owlpaw, Swimmingpaw, Silentpaw, Muddypaw, Darkpaw, Asher, Wildpaw, Morningpaw, Memorypaw, Riverpaw, Harepaw: Mid June
Larchpaw: Late June
Elders: Dawnlight, Spiritwinds, Spotted-dance, Endingflame, Owlsight
Soldierkit, Seahorsekit, Rushkit, Scatteredkit, Owlkit, Gorsekit, Buck-kit, Doekit, Tungstenkit, Foxkit: Early June
Forsakenkit, Magmakit, Dawnkit, Shadedkit, Obito: Mid June
Coriander: Late June
Tuxedo: Mid June
Shardpaw: Late June
Elders: Silverwind, Flare
Deaths: Mottledleaf