Hello everyone! Almost everything is ready to go for our Wix move and I anticipate that we can officially move tomorrow. The Webs website will remain accessible, but I will lock all forum threads and move other areas to moderators only posting. As such, please make an account on the Wix site as soon as possible and look over the website so if any questions arise, they can be answered quickly. When you sign up, be certain to click the “Join the Community” button so that your profile appears on the Members Page.
Wix does not have a private messaging system between members, so to ensure out-of-character communication, Warrior Cats of the Forest will become dependent on Discord. A new section of rules has been added to the website, which I will begin to enforce on July 6th:
All members must have a Discord Account and join the official server. This rule is so that all members can be contacted.
All members must have their Warrior Cats of the Forests username included in their server nickname. This rule ensures that everyone is clear on who is who; the server nickname doesn’t transfer to over servers, so your username will remain intact everywhere but the WCF server. You are welcome to either make your server nickname your username, or include it as a note (ex. I can make my server nickname either “Ember” or “Poaceae (Ember).”
Members must strive to post in the appropriate channels and avoid spamming. This rule is fairly self-explanatory, it will prevent the channels from becoming clogged and difficult to navigate.
Members may create group chats for specific purposes, but cannot create or participate in unofficial WCF chat servers. This rule enables members to treat the discord as they would their former Webs inboxes, but disallows large, competing servers that have lead to cliques forming in the past. This rule has been refined from how it was originally announced in May, but it still isn't very clear about what constitutes an appropriate use of a group chat and what steps into the territory of a clique-based side server. If you have any ideas for how to rewrite the rule more clearly, please speak up. As is, if you're uncertain if a group chat you'd like to create goes against this rule, please ask one of the staff and we can clear it up for you.
There’s plenty of work still left to do, of course, and I really appreciate your continuing help. Two low-commitment tasks that you can help with are advertisement, archiving art, and looking for errors on the pages. If you’d like to do any of these tasks, see this guide.
The biggest task is to determine the website’s ultimate design. The current design is temporary and I’m compiling user-submitted designs which will be put to a vote beginning July 4th to determine what the website will ultimately look like. I only have three designs so far, only one of which is new, so if you have any interest in submitting a design, please do. To submit a design, please re-create the website’s home page and send me a screenshot. Your home page doesn’t need to be visually similar to the current one, but it should have all of the functional elements (ex. rules, log-in, recent posts, quick links).
As a few last miscellaneous notes, I’m in the process of moving over the website’s URL, but it may take longer than anticipated. In the meantime, please bookmark or otherwise remember both the old site’s secondary URL (warriorcatsoftheforests.webs.com) and the new site’s secondary url (http://warriorcatsforest.wixsite.com/warriorcatsforest). I hope to do ordinary updates tomorrow, but as I work to finish tidying up the new website and preparing it for new members, those updates might be end up being completed on Saturday or Sunday.
Thank you all for your patience with this move, I hope that it’ll be a step forward for the website!