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Herbs Guide

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Updated: Jun 29, 2018

Original Post: Ember, May 26, 2017

Throughout the clans, medicine cats serve dual roles as advisors and healers. While how they are expected to behave in these roles and the medicine cats’ access to specific plants and other supplies vary, all medicine cats use herbs to heal their fellow clanmates from wounds and sickness.

This guide has been adapted from the herbs used in the canon Warriors series to account for our original clans and territories. As our clans are set outside of Detroit, Michigan, the herbs found in this guide are not identical to the ones found in the canon Warriors series. However, there is substantial overlap between our clans and the canon clans from plants having been introduced by humans to the United States or there being closely related species between The United States and England that share a common name. In addition to the plants from the original series that would reasonably be found in Warrior Cats of the Forests territory, I’ve included a handful of native Michigan medicinal herbs that our clans would be exposed to and incorporated into their healing practices.  For more information about the other species the clans' interact with, check out the Environment Guide, Enemy Animal Guide, and the Prey Guide.

All references are listed at the bottom of this guide. As always, if you have any suggestions for corrections or additions, please message me.


Description: a deciduous tree with one or several trunks and broad, obovate leaves

Location: Grows in the boggy, wet terrain throughout EarthClan's territory and the across the EarthClan-MoonClan border

Usage: The bark is chewed to ease toothaches


Description: a herbaceous plant with a grooved stem and alternately arranged leaves. The lower leaves have a toothed edge, while the upper leaves are feathered and become progressively shorter toward the top of the plant.

Location: This plant is only found in the two-leg gardens of the city, meaning only EclipseClan consistently has it in stock.

Usage: The leaves are eaten in small doses to decrease bloating, and in high doses to help asthma and bronchitis.


Description: A tall, thorny shrub with arching branches, wedge-shaped leaves, and thorns.

Location: As this plant requires full sunlight, it it most commonly found in SunClan territory.

Usage: Cats can eat the leaves to strengthen their liver


Description: a short-lived plants with a thick taproot and silky oval leaves branching out from its central stem.

Location: this plant is only found in the two-leg gardens of the city, meaning only EclipseClan consistently has it in stock.

Usage: the leaves are chewed into a poultice and slathered onto wounds to fight infection


Description: A small woody evergreen

Location: Grows in dense clusters throughout the fertile moist areas in MoonClan and EarthClan territories, as well as the Burnt Woods.

Usage: The leaves can be chewed into a poultice and slathered over wounds to fight infection.


Description: a square-stemmed herbaceous plant with paired, serrated leaves that are either triangular or oval.

Location: As this plant requires dry areas with full sunlight, it is most commonly found in SunClan territory but occasionally pops up in other clans.

Usage: Leaves and flowerheads are eaten to treat colic in kits, fever, yeast infections, and stomachaches.


Description: A bush bearing berries with thorny branches and prickly leaves

Location: This hardy plant can grow almost anywhere, but is most commonly found in MoonClan’s territory.

Usage: The leaves are chewed into a pulp and put on bee stings to ease the swelling.

Black Cohosh

Description: Smooth perennial plant with a long stalk rising above low-lying leaves

Location: Found only in the thick woodlands of MoonClan territory, near the Ancient Oak Grove.

Usage: The roots can be eaten to fight snake venom and inflammation.


Description: A small, flowering plant with single, multi-lobed leaf.

Location: Found in rich, moist, floodplains and streambanks, making it a common sight in EarthClan's territory.

Usage: Poultice of root and rhizome can be used to treat skin ailments, while the root can be eaten in small doses to treat internal parasites, or in large doses to act as a deadly poison.


Description: Woody shrub with short stalks and small, elliptical, and slightly toothed leaves.

Location: Grows throughout EarthClan and MoonClan’s territory hwere it can find partial shade.

Usage: Queens can eat the leaves to lessen the pain of birthing.

Borage leaves

Description: A herbaceous plant with small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves

Location: Grows best in the thick forests of MoonClan’s territory, but can occasionally be found in EarthClan.

Usage: Is chewed and eaten by nursing queens to brings down fevers and allow them to produce more and better milk.


Description: A shrub with small leaves and small, yellow flowers.

Location: Only found in SunClan’s territory around the Sky Rocks, where it thrives in the well drained soil and full sunlight.

Usage: Used in poultices for broken legs and wounds to reduce swelling.


Description: Small herbaceous plant with a whorl of six parallel veined leaves and characteristic white false petals.

Location: As this plant grows in colonies in cool woodlands and swamps, it can be found along the MoonClan-EarthClan border.

Usage: Elders can eat the leaves to treat aches and pains.

Burdock root

Description: Tall single-stalked plant with a purple-green hue and large, coarse, wavy edges leaves

Location: This plant thrives in the poor soil of roadsides and waste areas and is therefore most commonly found in the strip of land between EclipseClan's territory and the stream, but occasionally grows inside the city itself.

Usage: Roots eaten to treat rheumatism or chewed into a pulp and placed on rat bite to help prevent or treat infection


Description: A short plant with oval-shaped leaves with serrated edges, with large clusters of small flower buds on top.

Location: As this plant prefers dry, grassy meadows, it is found most commonly in SunClan’s territory and occasionally grows in the park of EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: A traveling herb used to keep up a cat’s strength. As well, the leaves can be chewed and placed on wounds to help stop minor bleeding.


Description: A plant with fuzzy green balls topping long stems

Location: Commonly found in hedges or other low, shrubby vegetation throughout the clans.

Usage: Burrs are placed on the pelt where poultices are to stop the poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.


Description: A leafy, soft plant with a delicious smell

Location: this plant is only consistently found in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territory, forcing other clans to attempt and steal it during greencough outbreaks.

Usage: The leaves are eaten to treat greencough and whitecough.


Description: A sweet-smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves and small white flowers. The roots are knobby and brown.

Location: Found in any sunny, dry area with compact soil in the territories, making it most common in SUnClan and EclipseClan's, but occasionally found in the meadows of MoonClan

Usage: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or root to treat infected wounds or bellyache, or to relieve pain during kitting.


Description: A tell-stemmed plant with broad, almond shaped leaves

Location: Grows best in dry soil with full sunlight; found throughout SunClan and EclipseClan's territories, but occasionally grows in the meadows of EarthClan.

Usage: Eaten to treat greencough


Description: A tall herbaceous plant with blue or white flowers, whose leaves form a basal rosette.

Location: Grows well in poor soil and constant sunlight, especially on roadsides and disturbed fields. This plant is most commonly found in EclipseClan's territory, but also grows alongside the road cutting through SunClan’s territory.

Usage: The root is chewed as a diuretic or laxative.


Description: An onion-like plant with large purple flowers

Location: This plant is only found in EclipseClan's territory, as it is commonly grown in two-leg gardens.

Usage: the scapes are eaten as a mild antiseptic and stimulant

Choke Cherry

Description: A large bush or small true with elliptical leaves and bunches of white flowers

Location: This versatile plant can grow in anything from swampland to dry, open woodlands and therefore can be found throughout the territories.

Usage: The roots and bark are chewed to help expel mucus.


Description: A three foot tall plant with whorls of six to eight simple leaves, covered in tiny velcro-life hairs.

Location: Found in the rich, moist woodland soils of MoonClan, EarthClan, and The Burnt Woods

Usage: Poultice of the stem and leaves relieves skin ailments.


Description: The long, thin, shiny strands spun by a spider

Location: Everywhere. While all of the clans use cobwebs, EclipseClanners will occasionally find absorbent or sticky two-leg garbage as a substitute

Usage: Pressed over wounds to soak up blood and slow bleeding, as well as preventing kits from licking off the poultices


Description: A flowering plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandelions.

Location: Grows best on shaded, moist ground. While this plant is only commonly found in EarthClan, it occasionally grows in MoonClan.

Usage: Leaves chewed into a pulp to eases breathing or kitten-cough, or slathered over cracked or sore pads.


Description: A plant with large leaves, small bell-shaped pink, white or purple flowers. This plant has fat roots and a tangy smell.

Location: Found along the river shores, particularly on the SunClan-EarthClan territory

Usage: The roots are chewed into a poultice to repair broken bones and soothe wounds. Occasionally used for wrenched claws, itching, inflammation of stiff joints, wrenched shoulders, or even burns.

Common hop

Description: A climbing plant with stiff downward facing hairs that provide stability. Their flowers are sweet-smelling and a favorite of butterflies.

Location: grows along the Abandoned Barn in SunClan’s territory.

Usage: The small cones are eaten to treat stress, insomnia, and digestive distress.

Corpse plant

Description: A strange, white and pink cane-shaped plant.

Location: This plant grows only rich, moist soil with plentiful shade and therefore is found solely in EarthClan's territory where it is still a rare find.

Usage: Entire plant can be eaten as a sedative or to provide pain relief.

Creeping snowberry

Description: A ground hugging creeping shrub with tiny oval leaves with a distinctive smell similar to that of wintergreen.

Location: Found in the mossy evergreen forests of MoonClan’s territory and occasionally migrates southward into the drier parts of EarthClan's territory.

Usage: the leaves and stem can be eaten to sooth headaches and muscle aches.

Curly dock

Description: A herbaceous plant with characteristic leaves with curled or wavy margins

Location: Requires moist, rich soil and therefore is most commonly found in EarthClan.

Usage: The root is dried out, then chewed by cats to treat anemia or respiratory conditions


Description: A flower with dark green, oval shaped leaves

Location: This is a very common plant that can be found almost anywhere, but is most common in SunClan

Usage: the leaves are chewed into a paste and either eaten as a travelling herb or left to soak into the skin above aching joints.


Description: a common yellow-flowered plant with long, hollow stems. After flowering is finished, the flower transforms into a sphere made out of hundreds of smaller white florets with seed heads at the bottom that connected to the flower head.

Location: This plant is found almost everywhere, but is especially common in sunny areas and therefore is a staple of SunClan’s territory.

Usage: The white liquid from the hollow stems is applied to bee stings. The leaves may also be chewed to act as a general pain killer.


Description: A multiple stemmed shrub with small, dark purple to black berries.

Location: Grows in sunny locations in fertile soils, especially alongside bodies of water. Most commonly found along the SunClan-EarthClan border.

Usage: Cats can eat the ripe berries to treat rheumatism and or slather them over injuries to hasten healing.

Evening primrose

Description: A small herbaceous plant with a single, erect reddish flower stalk. The flower has four broad, white, yellow, or pale pink petals.

Location: Thrives in the poor, well-drained soil of EclipseClan and SunClan territories.

Usage: Roots can be eaten to treat inflammation and allergies.


Description: A herbaceous plant with thin, spiky leaves

Location: Found in dry, sunny places such as SunClan’s territory and in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: The stalks are broken and the juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth to treat migraines and dizziness.


Description: a small bush with flowers resembling daisies. It has a sharp and tangy smell and small, soft leaves

Location: This plant grows best along water and is therefore found alongside the river, most commonly in EarthClan territory

Usage: Eaten to reduce body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains and is especially good for headaches.


Description: A short lived weedy plant with a sparse rosette of basal leaves with toothed margins. The aster-like flowers are white, with yellow centers.

Location: This plant grows in wet meadows, open fields, and floodplains and can therefore be found in SunClan and EarthClan territories, especially along their borders.

Usage: Stem, leaves, and flower can be chewed into a poultice and rubbed onto ticks or into the pelts of flea-infested cats. May cause an itching sensation.


Description: A bulbous plant with a short, woody central stem and a soft stem made up of overlapping leaf sheaths.

Location: this plant occasionally grows along the edge of the city, but is more commonly grown in twoleg gardens in EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: the root is eaten to strengthen elders’ hearts

Garlic mustard

Description: A plant with rosettes of triangular heart-shaped leaves with coarsely toothed margins. The small flowers are white and yellow.

Location: This plant grows in EarthClan territory and is tolerant of many different soil types, but requires partial shade.

Usage: The poultice is applied to wounds to stave away infection.


Description: Short plant with wide, oval leaves, thick roots, and bright red berries which grow in clumps

Location: Prefers to grow in full shade and on slopes, particularly in EarthClan territory.

Usage: Cats can eat the root or chew it into a poultice to slow inflammation.


Description: A herbaceous plant with multiple lance shaped, three veined, serrated leaves. The single step is smooth at the base, but becomes hairy just below the flower branches.

Location: This plant is tolerant of many soil types and requires bright sunlight, making it a fairly common sight in SunClan and the meadows of EarthClan

Usage: The roots chewed into poultices to treat burns or eaten to soothe sore throats.


Description: A small plant with coarse, hairy leaves with five to seven double toothed lobes. The stem is reddish to purple and like the leaves, is hairy.

Location: Lives only in rich, moist, densely shaded deciduous forests and is therefore found in EarthClan and MoonClan territories.

Usage: Root is chewed into a poultice to fight off infection or eaten to aid digestion.


Description: A branching herbaceous annual with slender, grooved stems that are tinged with red where the alternate leaves meet the stem.

Location: Grows well in sunny areas with disturbed soils, making it a common sight along EclipseClan thunderpaths and The Burnt Woods.

Usage: Young shoots and leaves can be chewed into a poultice to help fight off infection.


Description: A small green plant with yellow and orange flowers

Location: Found in the sunny, dry meadows of SunClan.

Usage: Eaten to treat greencough and whitecough, but is less effective than catmint.


Description: A sweet, golden-coloured liquid made by bees

Location: In honeycombs or bees nests up in trees. Honey is easiest to find in EarthClan's Bee Meadow, but can occasionally be swiped from other bee nests throughout the territories.

Usage: Eaten or given by moss soaked in it to sooth coughing and infections, as well as soothing sore throats or giving energy.


Description: A tall, bristly-stemmed plant with fleshy stalks

Location: Found along the river in all territories or in any other marshy areas.

Usage: chewed to a poultice and applied to wounds to treat infections and stops bleeding.


Description: Distinctive green-gray shoots that smell of mice.

Location: Found only along Snake Gorge.

Usage: Chewed into a poultice to help wounds heal faster.


Description: A herbaceous plant with toothed, oval leaves. The lower leaves are arranged in opposite, while the upper leaves are alternate. The stems are somewhat translucent and have swollen or darkened nodes.

Location: Grows in ditches and along creeks, where the soil is rich and moist. It is most commonly found between the city and river, north of The Burnt Woods.

Usage: The stems and leaves are chewed into a poultice and applied to stinging nettle and poison ivy rashes


Description: A large evergreen bush with purple-blue berries and needles.

Location: Found in the dry woodland of MoonClan’s territory and The Burnt Woods.

Usage: the berries are chewed and eaten to soothe bellyaches, give strength, or helps troubled breathing. If nothing better is available, some medicine cats will use the berries to calm cats.

Lamb’s ear

Description: A low-lying, fuzzy green plant

Location: Found in dry areas with high elevation, such as in SunClan and EclipseClan territory.

Usage: Eaten to give a cat strength.


Description: A small, purple flowering plant

Location: Can be found in the twoleg gardens of EclipseClan and in the sandy or gravelly patches of SunClan.

Usage: Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. As well, lavender can be used to used to hide the smell of death, calm cats, and soothe irritated skin.

Lemon balm

Description: A two to three foot tall plant with lemon scented, heart-shaped leaves arranged alternately along the stem.

Location: Grows in open fields and the edges of forests. Prefers well-drained soils and full light, although it can be semi-shade tolerant. Commonly grown in two-leg gardens. Found in EclipseClan and SunClan territory, as well as along the western shore of the rivers.

Usage: Cats can eat the leaves and stem to improve appetite and digestion


Description: A flowering shrub with fuzzy, three-nubbed leaves

Location: Grows best near river shores and can be found in all of the territories.

Usage: The leaves can be eaten to soothe bellyache.


Description: A low-growing flower, yellow to bright orange

Location: Grows best in damp, partially shaded areas of EarthClan's territory.

Usage: Petals or leaves chewed into a poultice to stop infection or bleeding, as well as for the inflammation of stiff joints.


Description: A woody plant with multiple branching stems. The leaves are oval or round and are arranged alternately on the stem. The plants produce small pink or white flowers bearing brown fruit.

Location: Commonly grown in two-leg gardens, but requires full sun, which makes it a rare plant only found in EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: the leaves are eaten to treat stiff joints


Description: A herbaceous plant with a single branched stem and two large, deeply lobed umbrella-like leaves.

Location: Moist, lush woodlands; found only in the southern reaches of EarthClan's territory

Usage: The root can be eaten to treat worm infections.


Description: A shrub with dense, small leaves and bunched, white flowers.

Location: Prefers the full sun, and moist, rich soils along the SunClan-EarthClan bordered.

Usage: Entire plant can be consumed to dull pain and inflammations.


Description: A herbaceous plant with a square stem and opposite leaves with serrated margins.

Location: Found in the open fields and meadows of SunClan’s territory

Usage: Cats can eat the young leaves and shoots to treat insomnia or dull the pain of kitting.

Mouse bile

Description: A foul-smelling yellow-green liquid

Location: This substance is acquired from mice and is therefore more easily attained in MoonClan and EclipseClan.

Usage: The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed into ticks embedded in pelt to make them fall off.


Description: A tall, herbaceous plant with a large rosette of fuzzy, green-gray leaves and a spike of light yellow flowers. The leaves are large, oval shaped and extremely hairy.

Location: found throughout SunClan’s territory as well as the meadows of EarthClan.

Usage: Flowers, leaves and roots can be eaten to quiet coughs.


Description: A small shrub with faintly scented, bell-shaped flowers that are purple tinged with green in colour. Berries are shiny and black when ripe.

Location: Moist, shady places. Often grows in places where the soils are rich in limestone. Found only in EarthClan's territory.

Usage: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved. Some medicine cats use them to end a cat's life to prevent unnecessary suffering and resource consumption.

Orange daylily

Description: The leaves are several feet long and bend to the ground under their own weight, leaving the leafless flower stalk to rise alone. The flower is large and bright orange

Location: A very flexible plant that does well in any brightly lit area. Most commonly found in EclipseClan and SunClan territories

Usage: All parts of the plant are eaten to quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved. Some medicine cats use them to end a cat's life to prevent unnecessary suffering and resource consumption.


Description: A woody plant with multiple branching stems and round, alternately arranged leaves. The flowers are small and pink, purple, or white in color.

Location: Commonly grown in two-leg gardens and thus in EclipseClan territory.

Usage: the leaves are eaten to treat respiratory tract disorders.

Oxeye daisy

Description: A small herbaceous plant with a single stem and thin, serrated or deeply toothed edges.

Location: Found in the meadows, fields, roadsides and lawn edges of EarthClan, EclipseClan, and SunClan territories.

Usage: Leaves are eaten to to slightly lessen inflammation.


Description: A long-stemmed plant with ragged-edged crinkly leaves, Sharp scent, tastes cold and fresh, tastes the same fresh or dried

Location: Grows best in moist, well drained soil, with full sun. Found in the eastern reaches of SunClan’s territory.

Usage: Eaten to stop a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don’t need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Can also be used to cure bellyache.


Description: A small, herbaceous plant with sharp-tasting ovate leaves, branching stems, and bunches of small purple flowers

Location: Commonly grown in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: The leaves are eaten to relieve soreness and digestive issues.


Description: A tall herbaceous plant with shiny, toothed leaves.

Location: found only in the dry woods of MoonClan’s territory

Usage: Leaves are chewed to treat backaches, coughs, bladder infections, and kidney infections


Description: A herbaceous plant with broad, ovate leaves with prominently raised veins that run parallel to one another on the underside of the leaf. The base of the leaf stem is often purple in color.

Location: Occasionally found in the compact soil, cracks in sidewalks, and open meadows of EclipseClan and SunClan territories.

Usage: Cats can chew the leaves to soothe blisters, inflammation and intermittent fever.


Description: A small plant with few, slender leaves and colorful flowers

Location: Found throughout the territories in sunny, well-drained areas. While it is most commonly found in SunClan’s territory, this plant occasionally grows in MoonClan clearings or in the EclipseClan park.

Usage: The seeds are eaten to help a cat sleep, sooth shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.

Purple coneflower

Description: Flowers with prominent cone-shaped disk surrounded by deep purple flowers. Leaves are lance shaped, stiff, and hairy.

Location: Found in dry woods, prairies, and barrens. Prefers sandy, well-drained soil and can tolerate drought. Often grown by twolegs as an ornamental flower. While it is a staple of EclipseClan's territory, this plant is also occasionally found in MoonClan

Usage: The root can be chewed as a poultice to treat snake bites.

Ragwort leaves

Description: Tall shrub with yellow flowers. Tastes foul to cats.

Location: Grows almost everywhere, especially in the cool, wet areas of EarthClan's territory.

Usage: Crushed and chewed, then mixed with juniper berries to treat aching joints and keeps a cat’s strength up.


Description: Tall with needle-like leaves and purple flowers.

Location: a very tolerant plant grown by two-legs and easily found in EclipseClan's territory and occasionally spotted in the other clans’ territories.

Usage: Can be put on the pelt of a cat to prepare for burial and hide the scent of death.


Description: It has long narrow leaves and lavender-colored head stalks.

Location: Often grows in infertile soils in a wide range of moisture conditions. Found along roadsides in EclipseClan and SunClan

Usage: Used to bind broken bones by helping to hold the broken limb in place.


Description: A bush with woody stems and broad, elliptical, silvery-green leaves and fragrant purple flowers on the ends of each stalk.

Location: while this plant is occasionally found in other clans’ territories, it is easiest to find in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territories.

Usage: The leaves are eaten to treat digestive problems.

Saint John’s Wort

Description: A woody plant with a single branched stem, and opposing, stalkless, oblong leaves.

Location: St. John’s Wort can be found in the meadows, roadsides and other open areas throughout the clans, but is most common in SunClan’s territory.

Usage: Flowering plant tops are eaten to treat depression.


Description: A tall, deciduous tree with yellow-green egg-shaped leaves

Location: Grows best in rich, moist, loamy soils. As they mature they require full sunlight and are therefore found along the SunClan-EarthClan border.

Usage: The leaves are chewed into a poultice to speed healing.

Sheep sorrel

Description: An upright herbaceous plant with arrow-shaped leaves,

Location: This plant favors moist soil, so it thrives in floodplains or near marshes. Found most commonly in EarthClan's territory, though it’ll occasionally pop up along the shores of the river in other clans’ territories.

Usage: The leaves are eaten to treat fevers and inflammation.

Shepherd’s purse

Description: A weedy herbaceous annual with deeply lobed leaves that grow in a basal rosette. Easily mistaken for dandelion.

Location: Along thhe roadsides and unmowed meadows and lawns of SunClan and EclipseClan.

Usage: The young leaves can be chewed into a poultice to stop bleeding.


Description: A slightly hairy plant with toothed, ovate leaves that are arranged in opposite

Location: Skullcap grows in the rich woods with moist thickets throughout EarthClan's territory and occasionally in MoonClan’s southern reaches.

Usage: The leaves are eaten as a mild sedative, used to calm and soothe nerves.

Solomon’s Seal

Description: An approximately three foot tall herbaceous plant with alternate, parallel veined leaves. The bell-like flower is drooping, with whitish to yellow-green petals.

Location: Found in the rich woods of MoonClan and EarthClan.

Usage: Cats can eat the rootstock to treat indigestion and arthritis.

Staghorn sumac

Description: A deciduous perennial shrub or small tree with a velvety texture and alternate, compound leaves

Location: Found along the dry forest edges and roadsides along the EclipseClan-MoonClan border.

Usage: Cats can eat the berries to treat persistent coughs.

Sweet cicely

Description: a tall herbaceous plant with fern-like leaves and clumped white flowers. the plant is hairy and smells sharply when crushed.

Location: Commonly grown in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: the leaves are eaten to help with cough and other breathing problems.

Sweet sedge

Description: Thick green stem with long buds at the top.

Location: Prefers moist soil and grows throughout EarthClan's territory.

Usage: Cats can swallow the sap to ease fever and infection.

Sweet woodruff

Description: A plant with white, sweet-smelling flowers that lies on the ground or is supported by other plans

Location: Occasionally grown in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan's territory.

Usage: the leaves are chewed into a poultice or eaten to treat inflammation.


Description: A small, shrubby herb with glossy, pungent leaves

Location: Commonly found in EclipseClan's territory in two-leg gardens.

Usage: The leaves are dried out and eaten to fight toothache and infections.


Description: A yellow flower with four horizontal flowers

Location: Grows in the partially-shaded, damp forest ground of the more thinly forested areas of EarthClan's territory

Usage: Juice is trickled into the eye to soothe any recent damage.


Description: a small evergreen shrub with linear leaves and woody, branching stems.

Location: Grows best in dry, sunny locations and commonly grown in two-leg gardens. Found throughout EclipseClan and SunClan territories.

Usage: the leaves are eaten to calm nervousness, anxiety, and help cats who are in shock or treat worm infections.


Description: It has a strong, aromatic scent to it and a sharp taste.

Location: Occasionally found in the two-leg gardens of EclipseClan gardens.

Usage: Chewed and slathered over wounds to speed healing and extract poison.


Description: A large plant with heads of pink and white flowers

Location: This plant grows anywhere with full sunlight and can therefore be found throughout SunClan territories and occasionally in sunny areas of the other clans.

Usage: The root is chewed to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders

Water hemlock

Description: A short, herbaceous plant with green or white flowers with petals in umbrella-shaped clusters

Location: The wet, marshy areas of EarthClan's territory.

Usage: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved or to poison an enemy. Unlike slower acting poison, once a cat eats water hemlock, they cannot be saved.

Water mint

Description: green, leafy plant with clumps of small purple flowers

Location: Found in the streams or damp earth of EarthClan's territory

Usage: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten to treat bellyache.

White Pine

Description: A very tall tree with long, blue-green needles

Location: Prefers the well-drained soil of MoonClan’s territory.

Usage: Cats can eat inner bark and sap as a cough suppressant. The sap can be applied to open wounds to protect from infection and speed healing.


Description: A group of deciduous trees with watery bark sap, and elongated, hanging leaves

Location: found most commonly on river shores and throughout EarthClan's territory.

Usage: Cats can lick the inner back or eat the leaves to ease pain and stop vomiting.


Description: A herbaceous plant with deeply lobed, dark green and toothless leaves that grow in a basal rosette. When the flower stalk appears, the upper leaves clasp the stalk and become long.

Location: Prefers moist soil and full sunlight, making it common in ditches, roadsides, and vacant lots, and found throughout the river’s shores in all territories.

Usage: The leaves are chewed as an appetite stimulator


Description: A small plant with woody stems and ovate evergreen leaves and a distinct smell

Location: This plant prefers the rich, acidic soils of pine and hardwood forests and can therefore be found in the northern reaches of MoonClan’s territory.

Usage: The leaves soothe greencough, headaches, fever, and sore muscles.

Winter savory

Description: A woody shrub with clouds of small, white flowers and with leaves of a strong, spicy flavor.

Location: Occasionally grown in two-leg gardens and accessed by EclipseClanners.

Usage: chewed into a poultice to treat infection.


Description: A deciduous tree with umbrella-like shape and dense clusters of stems emanating from its base Location: Witchhazel grows in dark, rich soils the canopy of large trees in MoonClan’s territory. Usage: Cats scan chew he leaves and twigs to slow inflammation. Effects: Anti-inflammatory and astringent.


Description: A tall plant with thin stems and white flowers Location: Yarrow is found in any damp, sunny place, making it a common sight in EarthClan's meadows. Usage: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation to extract poison from wounds, make cats vomit toxins, or soften and heal cracked paw pads.


Description: Red berries from the dark-leaved, poisonous yew bush. Referred to as “death berries” by many cats. Location: Found in any wet, shady place. Usage: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry as it kills a cat within minutes when consumed. As well, some medicine cats use them to end a cat's life to prevent unnecessary suffering and resource consumption.







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Warrior Cats of the Forest is a roleplay for people of all ages and for this reason, we maintain community guidelines regarding...

Webs Glitches Guide

Original Post: Ember, January 9, 2018 Warrior Cats of the Forest is hosted on Webs (formerly Freewebs), a website host owned by...

Environment Guide

Original Post: Ember, January 7, 2018 Rather than in the English countryside where the canon clans make their home, the territories of...


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