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Webs Glitches Guide

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, January 9, 2018

Warrior Cats of the Forest is hosted on Webs (formerly Freewebs), a website host owned by Vistaprint. While this makes the website easy to update, it means that Ember has little control over the workings of the website itself and can rarely fix any glitches that occur.

If you find a glitch anywhere on the website, you should report the problem to Webs through their help forums. They’ll ask for information such as the site address, your IP address, your internet service provider, and a description of the problem you’re experiencing, so it’s best to include this in your original post in order to speed up the process. If you don’t want to reach out to Webs directly, please message Ember and she’ll happily report the problem to Webs for you. As well, it may be helpful to check in with other members to see if others are experiencing the same bug and if any of them have found any solutions of work arounds. From time to time the website may go down entirely, either for a few minutes to a few days. In these situations, it's a good idea to save the owner's email ( in case you want to make certain the website is actually down or if need to contact her for another reason.

Below is a list of known bugs alongside any known solutions or work arounds. If you know of any bugs that aren’t listed here or have any ideas for solutions or work arounds, please message Ember.


Sidebar modules not updating: the Recent Forums Posts, Recent News, and Recent Art sections of the home page sidebar get stuck and do not actually reflect the most recent posts. This glitch can last for anywhere from hours to months and there is no known solution. The best work around is to go directly to the Forums Page, News Page, and the Recent Art Page.

Paragraphs merging on mobile: while posting on the website from a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, all paragraph breaks are erased. Many members work around this issue by putting a series of slash marks were paragraphs would ordinarily go. You can also break up paragraphs by inserting this ([first paragraph text] < / p >< p > [second paragraph text]) without the spaces into the post's HTML. A post's HTML can be edited by posting, hitting "edit," then clicking the button with the two blue arrows at the far right of the tool bar.

Quotation marks turning into question marks: when copying text from a word document to the Character Updates Page or any News Entries, any quotation marks (“ or ‘ ) are transformed into question marks. There aren’t any known solutions, but members experiencing this problem can edit their posts to and all edits will go through correctly with no transformed quotation marks.

Quotation marks turning into Ã: when posting from an iPhone, any quotation marks (“ or ‘ ) are transformed into “Ôs. There aren’t any known solutions and Iphone users cannot fix the transformation from their phones, but the posts can be corrected on a computer. This glitch seems to only occurs with recent iOS updates.

“Ä” in place of paragraph breaks: when copying posts in the forums, all paragraph breaks are doubled, with a “Ä” inserted between or after paragraphs. There are no known solutions, but members can edit posts to remove the “Ä”s and correct the paragraph spacing.

Pages not loading

“Hmm… Let’s try that again”: when trying to open a page, you are redirected to a page reading “Hmm… Let’s try that again.” The best thing to do in this situation is to just go back and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

“Uh-Oh: We're actively troubleshooting this issue, for more information please contact support.”: when attempting to reach a page or application a member is brought to a white Webs page with a cutesy computer graphic. The best thing to do is to simply go back and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

“Sorry, this page was not found”: when attempting to reach a page or application you are brought to a blue and white Webs page instead. Go back and try again; if the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

“Page Not Found”: when trying to open a page, you are redirected to a page reading “Page Not Found.” This generally means that a page has been renamed, moved, or deleted. Make sure that you have the correct URL and, if that doesn’t fix the problem, then find an alternate route to the content you’re looking for. If you’re uncertain if it still exists or where it is, contact the site owner.

Pages timing out: when you try and load a page, it progresses slowly and eventually you are redirected to a page saying that the webpage has timed out. The best thing to do is to just go back and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support. The problem may also be in your own internet connection, so check with other members to see if they’re having the same problem.

HTTP Status 500: rather than reaching your intended page, you are brought to a white page with the title “HTTP Status 500-.” You should either refresh the page or go back and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

HTTP Status 404: rather than reaching your intended page, you are brought to a white page with the title “HTTP Status 404 -.” First, make sure that the URL you are attempting to reach is correct. If nothing seems amis, go back to the page you were on previously and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

Error 521: brings you to an error page showing that the disruption between CloudFlare and Webs is broken. These errors were common in January 2017 but have not been a major problem since. If it occurs, refresh the page and try again.


Incorrect recent posts: the timestamp and username of the “Last Updated” section of a forum thread is inaccurate. There is no known solution, but the best way to determine what the most recent post actually is is to actually open the thread and check the last page.

Not showing most recent thread page: When a forum thread creates a new page, this new page is not is not listed at the top of the thread. For instance, if a new post is added that causes the MoonClan Camp thread to add a 28th page, the last reported page will instead be page 27. You can manually reach the page by typing the page number in the URL. In this example, the original URL would be and you need to change that to reading After a few more posts are added to the thread, the new page will be officially recognised and added to the page numbers at the top of the thread.

Incorrect timestamps: when you post, the timestamp of that post is incorrect, which may cause your post to be listed above the post you are replying to. There is no solution, but you can work around this issue by using the “Quote and Reply” feature to clearly establish what you’re replying to.

Forum threads italicizing: all of the text in a forum thread will be randomly italicized, including signatures and member information. If this happens, the best thing to do is to just wait it out, as usually this glitch will stop on its own after a page or two.


Profile page “Recent Activity” not updating: the “recent activity” section of your profile either doesn’t update at all, or certain apps (such as the forums) or certain actions (such as uploading an image to the Art Page) is excluded. There is no known solution.

Changes to profile not saving: When you attempt to publish your profile page, everything appears to go through correctly and you don’t receive an error message, but the changes are not actually saved. Go back and try again. If the error persists for more than three attempts or for longer than an hour, contact Webs support.

“This content could not be rendered.”: when you attempt to publish your profile page, everything is removed and your profile simply reads “This content could not be rendered.” First, make sure that there are no errors the HTTP underlying your profile. If you’re uncertain of how to do this, copy the plain text of your profile, then delete everything. When you paste the unformatted text and publish, it should go through correctly. If this doesn’t work, contact Webs support. If the error persists, you should make sure to keep your character list in your profile comments.

Private Messages, Email, and Chatbox

Disappearing Form Submissions: you attempt to send Ember a message through “Contact Us” but it never appears in her inbox. If you suspect this might have happened, just resend your message. As well, if you’re expecting a reply, make certain to put in some contact information. Ember occasionally is asked questions by anonymous users, that she can’t actually respond to.

Paragraphs merging in private messages: when sending a message from the “Send a Message” button on a member’s page rather than directly through your inbox, all of your paragraph breaks are erased. There are no known solutions, but many members work around this issue by putting a series of slash marks were paragraphs would ordinarily go.

Incorrectly Blank Private Messages: you send a private message, but the message receiver sees only a blank message or a message with only one character. There is no known solution, but this bug is rare, so you can resend the message and it should go through fine.

Randomly Suspended from Chatbox: You’re posting just fine from the chatbox one moment, then suddenly you receive a chatbox message saying you’ve been suspended. You have not broken any rules and there may not even be a moderator present. This isn’t actually a glitch, but rather a spam filter that is automatically applied if you post too often in a short amount of time. The best thing to do is to just wait it out, as the suspension only seems to last a few hours.

Disappearing Inbox: On the Members Area, the link to get to your inbox disappears. This usually happens when members first login and while there doesn’t seem to be a way to get the glitch to stop occurring, usually refreshing the home page a few times will do the trick and your inbox will reappear.

Images and Videos

Unable to upload multiple images at once: when you attempt to upload multiple images, they appear to go through correctly at first but when you hit the submit button you are not allowed to proceed There is no known solution, so if you experience this error, it’s best to just upload your images individually.

Stuck at 101% uploaded: when you upload an image, the progress bar reaches “101% uploaded,” then gets stuck and never lets you submit the image. If this happens, the best thing to do is to just refresh the page and try again.

Unable to rotate images: when you hit the rotate image buttons, the image goes opaque and gets stuck in a loading wheel. There are no known solutions or work arounds.

Disappearing Image Upload Button (Computer): when you attempt to change your profile or upload art, the upload button isn’t present. If this happens to you, first, make sure that your flash player is enabled.  If it's enabled and you still can't see the upload button, try changing your browser and/or updating your flash player. A proven combination is Windows 10, Internet Explorer, and an updated, enabled flash player. If you can’t access this combination or find something else that works, you can email the image to or another member who can upload it for you.

Disappearing Image Upload Button (Mobile): when you attempt to change your profile or upload art, the upload button isn’t present. There is no known solution, but you can email the image to Ember or another member who can upload it for you.

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