Original Post: Ember, May 17, 2013
•Revised rules! You guys know I have been debateing changeing them for a while, I finally got around to doing it:
1. Respect moderators, administrators and site owners.
2. All posts, profile pictures and pages, photos, videos, comments, etc. must be appropriate: no descriptive mating or birth, foul language or dirty jokes.
3. No killing without permission of the owner of the character you are killing.
4. You may only role-play your characters, no power playing/godmodding
5. No multi-accounting.
6. Members are allowed 12 characters, they must be cats. (Moderators 15, Administrators 20, site owner 25)
7. No double posting unless the post above you is over 3 hours old, all posts must be relevant and realistic.
8. Signatures must not contain pictures, font size above default or contain over 500 characters.
9. All posts must be in the default color, font, size and format.
10. The first part of a name can only belong to one cat in a clan; it can be used by characters in other clans.
11. Members must remain active.
•Return of the gatherings! The next gathering will be on June 7-9, after this they will take place the first weekend of every month
• Revised guestbook, nothing too fancy.
•No multi-accounting! You will be caught! If you have multiple accounts, delete them now if you do it on your own you won't have any concecuences, I'll even let you transfer their characters over to your account. If I catch you multi accounting your character limit will be reduced if you have a medicine cat, leader or deputy they will become a warrior. So, bottom line: Don't multiaccount, if you already have one or several delete them now or regret it later, it's not worth it.
•All of your posts have to have some relevence to the thread, you can't have your entire posts be in parenthesis. If you want to chat do it over private messages or on profile pages.
•Cite where you go your line art on the art pages if you used line art, backgrounds if you used a pic, etc. If you think you should cite something, just go ahead and do it.
•Check the clan that you want your character to be in to make sure that someone else hasn't used the first part of the name that you want, this will speed up how quickly I can put your character on the pages. (Tip: if you're on a PC, hit CTRL+F and then type in the first word of your character's name)
•I'm a bit behind on the pages, please be patient, I should have all the pages updated by Monday.
• Kits must remain kits for a month after birth apprentices for 2 months, warriors for 8 months, elders for a month. Leaders get 6 months added to their warrior time, queens are required to carry kits for 2 weeks before giving birth.
• Use the format posted at the top of the guestbook when posting new characters.