Last week, we voted on what role StarClan and The Dark Forest should have within Warrior Cats of the Forest. The results of the poll are compiled below.

On the whole, members felt neutrally about continuing our current policy, disapproved of removing StarClan entirely, and were all over the board for dramatic re-introduction. This leaves Mooonstone-only contact with StarClan and a gradual broad introduction. Average and median values for these options were identical and both distributions show a generally positive regard. However, the votes for Moonstone-only contact show more divergent opinions, with more people who are both excited by the idea and those who strongly disapprove. In contrast, the gradual introduction path is centered mostly around members who approve, but who aren’t particularly excited about the response. These results are further complicated by the fact that we received only thirteen votes, three of which were thrown out because the voter didn’t follow instructions and didn’t list their username or was not an active member.
In order to get a more conclusive final result, I’ve decided to have a final run-off vote between Moonstone-only contact and a broader gradual re-introduction. Voting on that starts today and will come to a close next Saturday, December 8th and can be found here. This poll does have a “no preference” option, so if you don’t care either way, please still fill out the form so I have a more accurate perception of participation in the poll.