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Discord Server Reorganization

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Hello everyone!

As we’ve become more dependent on our Discord Server, it’s become apparent that our current channels aren’t adequate for all of our uses. As such, the moderators and I have decided to expand the number of channels to better suit how we’ve actually been using the server. Below is an updated list of categories and channels along with descriptions of how each should be used. This is by no means final and I expect that the Discord Server will continue to be adapted every few months as we refine the balance of activity between the website proper and this side-chat.


  • About: This channel offers a brief description of WCF and directs new members toward the roleplay website and resources aimed at new members.

  • Staff Announcements: This channel is where staff can announce new blog entries, events, or other important information such as activity checks or rule changes. Members cannot post directly on this channel, but can submit announcements to staff members.

  • Rules: Reinforces the website’s rules as well as chatbox-specific rules, such as posting in the appropriate channel and avoiding spamming.

  • Channel and Roles Guide: This channel explains the the server’s roles and the purpose of each channel.

  • Frequently Asked Questions: This channel is a list of Frequently Asked Questions for the server and a link to the website’s FAQ Guide.


  • General Chatting: This channel acts as WCF’s main area for out of character chatting. Here, members can talk about whatever’s on their mind from the benefits of ice cream for breakfast to how much EarthClan’s camp looks like Michigan.

  • Help: In this channel, members can ask any questions that they may have about WCF, from how the aging system works to why SunClan and EclipseClan are at war.

  • WCF Art: Members can post their WCF-related artwork to this channel. Unless the artist requests for the artwork to stay off of the pages, all artwork posted here will be posted on WCF’s Art Page. Non-WCF artwork should be posted to the main chatting channel.

  • Posted: Here, members can directly mention members when they post to the website.


  • Short-Term Planning: This channel is for finding roleplay partners or otherwise setting up scenes that don’t have consequences for the overall plot.

  • Plot Announcements: This channel is for announcing plot events such as skirmishes, clan meetings, the start of gatherings, battles, or anything else that is relevant to the website-wide plot. Replies are not allowed on this channel and should instead be posted to the Plot Planning Channel.

  • Plot Planning: This channel is for planning the plot. Members can share ideas for future plot events or their thoughts on already-planned events.

  • Relationship Announcements: This channel is for announcing new litters, cats seeking friendships or mates, or anything else that relates to relationships between characters. Replies are not allowed on this channel and should instead be posted to the Relationships Planning Channel.

  • Relationship Planning: This channel is for planning relationships between characters, may they be familiar, platonic, romantic, or anything else.

Advertisements and Affiliates

  • Member Advertisements: This channel is where members can advertise other roleplays, social media accounts such as DeviantArt or Instagram, or just about anything else that is appropriate for all ages.

  • Guest Advertisements: Here, guests or visitors can advertise other roleplays, social media accounts such as DeviantArt or Instagram, or just about anything else that is appropriate for all ages.

  • Affiliate Requests: Here, owners of roleplay servers or websites can post a request to become affiliates with WCF. I will follow up with them in private.

  • Affiliates: Each accepted affiliate will recieve their own channel with a description of the roleplay and a link there. All affiliates are regularly checked for activity and inactive affiliates are removed.

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