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WCF Naming Guide

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Updated: Jun 29, 2018

In the traditional Warriors naming system, each warrior’s name consists of two halves, a prefix and a suffix. The prefix is given to a cat by their parents and is retained throughout their lives (with the rare exception of a name change), while the suffix is changed several times as they climb the ranks. While kits, apprentices, and leaders all share the same suffix (-kit, -paw, and -star, respectively), warriors and medicine cats have a wide variety of suffixes. Here, I have compiled a large list of potential prefixes and suffixes to provide inspiration for naming future characters. Characters on this website do not have to follow canon naming conventions and all names are acceptable, granted that all they are appropriate, have not been used by a major canon character, have not been used in the past year, and have not been used by any character mentioned on the History Page.

While nontraditional names are allowed on this roleplay, this guide only covers reasonably traditional names. Except where listed as “exotic” or “legendary,” the species and natural phenomena listed are all found in the American Midwest, where this roleplay takes place. For more information about the environment of Warrior Cats of the Forest, see the upcoming Environment Guide. For more information about the species our clans interact with, check out the Environment Guide, Herbs Guide, Enemy Animal Guide, and the Prey Guide. For more information about clan-specific hunting specialties and geographic features, see The Clans Page. If you want my perspective on how naming on this website differs from naming conventions in the canon universe, see Monthly Meow LVII, or, for a member perspective, Monthly Meow LXV.

All italicized prefixes and suffixes follow the rules for a traditional Warriors name, but have not been used in the canon series. Of course, this guide does not list all possible prefixes and suffixes, but rather serves as a jumping-off point. If you have any corrections or names you believe should be added to this guide, please post below.


A Warrior’s prefix is given by their mother at birth and traditionally reflects both the mother’s taste and the kit’s appearance. For instance, an EarthClan mother who wants to honor her clan’s territory and who has a grey, tabby kit may choose to name him “Riverkit” or “Pinekit.” A mother may also choose to name their kits based on traits it appears they will have (for instance, a kit with exceptionally long legs being named “Swiftkit”;), that they hope the kit will have (“Bravekit” or to honor an unusual trait (“Brokenkit” or “Curlkit.” Prefixes are often very specific in referencing species, attributes, or natural phenomena.


  • Colors: Alabaster, Amber, Beige, Black, Blue, Bronze, Brown, Buff, Copper, Cream, Crimson, Dark, Dilute, Ebony, Fallow, Fawn, Ginger, Gold, Gray, Green, Hazel, Ivory, Light, Lilac, Orange, Pale, Red, Ruddy, Russet, Scarlet, Seal, Silver, Tawny, White, and Yellow

  • Patterns: Arch, Arcuate, Brindle, Burst, Crescent, Crest, Dapple, Diamond, Dot, Flake, Freckle, Fringe, Furled, Furrowed, Jagged, Mackerel, Margin, Mottle, Notch, Obovate, Ovate, Patch, Pied, Ray, Rosette,Shattered, Smudge, Speckle, Splash, Splatter, Spotted, Striped, Tabby, Ticked, Twist, Whirl, Whorl

  • Traits: Bald, Blaze, Blind, Blur, Brave, Bright, Broad, Broken, Bumble, Bushy, Claw, Crooked, Curl, Dazzle, Dead, Deaf, Downy, Dying, Fading, Fleet, Fluffy, Fragile, Fuzzy, Gentle, Half, Harsh, Heavy, Hollow, Kink, Knotted, Little, Long, Lost, Loud, Low, Mouth, Murky, Nimble, Odd, Silent, One, Prickle, Quick, Ragged, Rapid, Scatter, Scar, Shaded, Sharp, Shimmer, Shining, Short, Shy, Sleek, Slight, Small, Snip, Soft, Stealth, Spark, Sparkle, Spike, Stained, Still, Strong, Stumpy, Sweet, Swift, Tall, Talon, Tattered, Tiny, Tipped, Torn, Wandering, Web, Wet, Whisker, Wild, Withered, Wooly, and Wrinkle

  • Actions: Arch, Bolt, Bounce, Bristle, Burning, Burrow, Calling, Chasing, Crash, Crouch, Dancing, Dangling, Darting, Dash, Fallen, Fidget, Flail, Flight, Hoot, Hop, Hope, Jump, Lapping, Leaping, Meander,Mumble, Plunge, Pounce, Purr, Rattle, Rising, Roll, Running, Rush, Screech, Shiver, Shred, Sneeze, Snip, Soaring, Song, Splash, Spring, Squeak Stalking, Sting, Strike, Tumble, Whisper, Wish


  • Legendary Cats: Bobcat, Cheetah, Jaguar, Leopard, Lion, Panther, Puma, and Tiger

  • Domestic Animals: Calf, Chicken, Colt, Cow, Dog, Goat, Hen, Horse, Hound, Koi, Mare, Oxen, Ram, Sheep, Stallion, and Turkey

  • Mammals: Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Bison, Boar, Bobcat, Buck, Caribou, Chipmunk, Cottontail, Cougar, Coyote, Cub, Deer, Doe, Elk, Ermine, Fawn, Ferret, Fisher, Fox, Gopher, Groundhog, Hare, Hog, Lemming, Lynx, Marten, Mink, Mole, Moose, Mouse, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Porcupine, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Shrew, Skunk, Squirrel, Stag, Swine, Vixen, Vole, Weasel, Wolf, and Wolverine

  • Exotic Mammals: Aardvark, Addax, Agouti, Anteater, Armadillo, Baboon, Banteng, Beluga, Buffalo, Camel, Capybara, Chimpanzee, Chinchilla, Degu, Dingo, Dugong, Echidna, Elephant, Gazelle, Gerenuk, Gibbon, Giraffe, Goral, Gorilla, Hippopotamus, Hyena, Impala, Kangaroo, Kinkajou, Koala, Kudu, Langur, Lemur, Manatee, Mandrill, Meerkat, Mongoose, Monkey, Narwal, Ocelot, Okapi, Orangutan, Orca, Panda, Platypus, Porpoise, Rhesus, Rhinoceros, Saki, Seal, Sealion, Sifaka, Sloth, Takin, Tamarin, Urial, Wallaby, Wildebeest, Zebra, Zebu

  • Birds: Albatross, Bird, Bittern, Bluebird, Buzzard, Cardinal, Chickadee, Coot, Cormorant, Cowbird, Crane, Crossbill, Crouse, Crow, Cuckoo, Dove, Dovekie, Duck, Eagle, Egret, Eider, Falcon, Feather, Finch,Gannet, Goldfinch, Goose, Goshawk, Grackle, Grouse, Gull, Harrier, Hawk, Hen, Heron, Jay, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Lark, Loon, Mallard, Marlin, Mockingbird, Oriole, Osprey, Owl, Pelican, Peregrine, Phalarope, Pheasant, Pigeon, Plover, Quail, Rail, Raven, Robin, Sandpiper, Scaup, Shrike, Snipe, Sparrow, Starling, Swan, Swallow, Swift, Tanager, Tern, Thrush, Turkey, Vulture, Warbler, Waxwing, Willet, Woodpecker, andWren

  • Exotic Birds: Acovet, Anhinga, Anis, Auk, Avocet, Barbet, Budgerigar, Bunting, Canary, Cannet, Cassowary, Cockatiel, Cormorant, Conure, Crake, Curassows, Currawong, Douin, Eider, Emu, Flamingo, Fulmar, Galah, Gallinules, Grassquit, Guan, Hoatzin, Hornbill, Hummingbird, Hyliotas, Ibis, Jackdaw, Jaeger, Kakariki, Kite, Kiwi, Koel, Kookaburra, Lapwing, Lorikeet, Macaw, Magpie, Mannikin, Motmot, Murre, Oilbird, Ostrich, Parakeet, Parrot, Parrotfinch, Parrotlet, Penguin, Petrel, Phalarope, Potoos, Puffin, Pytilia, Redpoll, Rhea, Rockfowl, Rook, Rosella, Rubino, Sanderling, Sapayoa, Seedsnipes, Skua, Skuas, Stilts, Stork, Sylph, Tinamou, Toucan, Trogon, Vireo, Wattlebird, Whydah, Woodcreeper,

  • Bugs: Ant, Antlion, Aphid, Arachnid, Barklice, Bee, Beetle, Billbug, Blowfly, Borer, Bumble, Butterfly, Caterpillar, Centipede, Cicada, Cockroach, Cricket, Dragonfly, Earwig, Firefly, Flatworm, Flea, Fly, Gnat, Grasshopper, Grub, Hornet, Katydid, Ladybug, Larvae, Leech, Lice, Locust, Maggot, Mantis, Mayfly, Midge, Millipede, Mite, Monarch, Mosquito, Moth, Pupa, Silverfish, Slater, Slug, Snail, Spider, Spittlebug, Termite, Tick, Wasp, Weevil, and Worm

  • Exotic Bugs: Adegid, Alderfly, Budworm, Chafer, Chigger, Curculio, Cutworm, Harvestman, Horntail, Lacewings, Looper, Mealworm, Muddauber, Recluse, Sandfly, Sawfly, Scarab, Scorpion, Thrip

  • Fish: Bass, Bluegill,Bluepike, Bowfin, Bullhead, Burbot, Carp, Catfish, Chub, Dace, Darter, Eel, Fin, Fish, Gar, Goby, Grayling, Herring, Killifish, Kivver, Kokanee, Lamprey, Minnow, Perch, Pickerel, Pike, Salmon, Sauger, Saugeye, Sculpin, Smelt, Snakehead, Stickleback, Stonecat, Stoneroller, Sturgeon, Sunfish, Trout, Warmouth

  • Exotic Fish: Anchovy, Angelfish, Arowana, Ayu, Barb, Barracuda, Betta, Bream, Brill, Catla, Cod, Dace, Danio, Discus, Dodlet, Dory, Elver, Fusilier, Goby, Gourami, Grouper, Gunnel, Gurnard, Hagfish, Hake, Halibut, Hussar, Jackfish, Jawfish, Kanyu, Koi, Lampfish, Loach, Lungfish, Mackerel, Marlin, Mola, Moray, Mullet, Oscar, Pickerel, Pike, Platy, Pleco, Pollock, Porgy, Powen, Puffer, Rasbora, Ray, Ruffe, Sardine, Saury, Sculpin, Shad, Shark, Smelt, Snapper, Snook, Sole, Sprat, Stingray, Sunfish, Sweeper, Tang, Tetra, Tilapia, Tuna, Turbot, Uaru, Wahoo, Wallago, Wrasse

  • Reptiles: Gecko, Lizard, Milksnake, Rattlesnake, Ribbon, Serpent, Skink, Slider, Snake, Snapping, Tortoise, Turtle, Reptile

  • Exotic Reptiles: Adder, Agama, Alligator, Anaconda, Anole, Boa, Boiga, Cantil, Cascabel, Chameleon, Chuckwalla, Cobra, Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Crocodile, Garter, Gavial, Habu, Hognose, Iguana, Ikaheka, Keelback, Kingsnake, Krait, Leatherback, Lora, Mamba, Monitor, Pitviper, Python, Racer, Rattlesnake, Rinkhal, Sideneck, Sidewinder, Softshell, Sonoran, Spinytail, Taipan, Tegu, Tuatara, Uromastyx, Urutu, Viper, Wutu, and Yarara

  • Amphibians: Bullfrog, Frog, Newt, Peeper, Salamander, Tadpole, Toad, Treefrog

  • Exotic Amphibians: Axolotl, Caecilian, Dartfrog, Foamnest, Mantella, Siren, Spadefoot, Thorius

  • Crustaceans and Mollusks: Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Crustacean, Mollusk, Riffleshell, Shell

  • Exotic Crustaceans and Mollusks: Acetes, Clam, Cockles, Krill, Lobster, Marron, Mysid, Oyster, Piddock, Prawn, Quahog, Scallop, Shrimp

  • Exotic Aquatic Invertebrates: Abalone, Anemone, Barnacle, Chiton, Chonch, Coral, Cowries, Cuttlefish, Glaucus, Jellyfish, Krill, Limpet, Murex, Nautili, Nautilus, Octopi, Sponge, Squid, Starfish


  • Generic: Bark, Berry, Bloom, Blossom, Bract, Bramble, Branch, Burr, Bush, Catkin, Cone, Flower, Frond, Fruit, Gall, Grain, Grass, Leaf, Lenticel, Log, Nectar, Needle, Nut, Nutlet, Petal, Petiole, Pith, Pod, Pollen, Pome, Rachis, Root, Samara, Sap, Seed, Sessile, Shrub, Spindle, Sprout, Stem, Tangle, Tannin, Taproot, Thorn, Timber, Twig, Vine, Weed, and Wood

  • Trees: Apple, Aspen, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Blackhaw, Boxelder, Buckthorn, Butternut, Catalpa, Cedar, Cherry, Chinquapin, Chokecherry, Conifer, Cottonwood, Crabapple, Cypress, Dogwood, Fir, Hackberry, Hickory, Juneberry, Juniper, Linden, Magnolia, Maple, Mulberry, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Olive, Peach, Pear, Pecan, Pine, Plum, Poplar, Redbud, Rowan, Sassafras, Spruce, Sumac, Tamarack, Torreya, Walnut, Willow, Yew

  • Exotic Trees: Acacia, Anacua, Argania, Baobab, Baretta, Bay, Boxelder, Brasil, Bumelia, Catalpa, Catawba, Club, Coconut, Gum, Haw, Hemlock, Hophorn, Larch, Leadtree, Locust, Macadamia, Madrone, Mahogany, Mesquite, Ngaio, Palm, Pawpaw, Pepperidge, Persimmon, Photinia, Pinyon, Pistache, Redbay, Redbud, Redgum, Retama, Saltcedar, Sapgum, Sequoia, Sycamore, Tamarack, Tanoak, Tupelo, Velutina, Wahoo, Yaupon

  • Plants: Acorn, Agoseris, Agrimony, Algae, Anemone, Aster, Bayberry, Bellflower, Bluestem, Bracken, Briar, Buckwheat, Buttercup, Clover, Columbine, Coneflower, Coreopsis, Cotton, Crossvine, Currant, Dropseed, Eelgrass, Feathermoss, Fern, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Grama, Grape, Greenbreir, Hawthorn, Hay, Hazel, Heath, Heather, Hepatica, Holly, Horsemint, Hyssop, Ironweed, Ivy, Knotweed, Laurel, Lichen, Lily, Liverwort, Lobelia, Lopseed, Lupine, Madder, Maypop, Milfoil, Milkweed, Mint, Moss, Mushroom, Muskgrass, Nettle, Oat, Onion, Orchid, Pea, Peatmoss, Pitcher, Primrose, Puccoon, Ragwort, Reed, Rose, Rue, Rush, Rye, Sedge, Senna, Sheepberry, Spiderwort, Spikenard, Stonewort, Strawberry, Sunflower, Switchgrass, Tansy, Thimbleweed, Thistle, Thoroughwort, Tickseed, Tulip, Tumblegrass, Vervain, Vine, Wheat, Wisteria, Woodbine, Woodgrass

  • Medicinal Plants: Alder, Anise, Barberry, Basil, Beebalm, Bergamot, Blackberry, Bloodroot, Borage, Broom, Bunchberry, Burdock, Burnet, Catchweed, Catmint, Chervil, Chickweed, Chicory, Chives, Chokecherry, Cicely, Cohosh, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Daisy, Dandelion, Dock, Elderberry, Fennel, Feverfew, Fleabane, Garlic, Ginseng, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Hemlock, Hops, Horsetail, Lavender, Lemon, Mallow, Marigold, Marjoram, Mayapple, Mint, Mullein, Mustard, Oregano, Parsley, Pipsissewa, Plantain, Poppy, Ragwort, Rosemary, Rush, Sage, Sassafras, Sedge, Skullcap, Sorrel, Sumac, Tarragon, Tetterwort, Thyme, Tormentil, Valerian, Willow, Wintercrest, Wintergreen, Woodruff, Yarrow, Yew

  • Garden Flowers: Aconite, Allium, Artemisia, Aster, Astilbe, Aubrieta, Azalea, Balsam, Baneberry, Beebalm, Begonia, Bellflower, Bergenia, Bluebell, Browallia, Bugloss, Buttercup, Calendula, Carnation, Catmint, Celosia, Chrysanthemum, Cleome, Coleus, Comfrey, Coreopsis, Corydalis, Cosmos, Crocus, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Dahlia, Daisy, Delphinium, Diascia, Epimedium, Flax, Foxglove, Gaillardia, Gaura, Gazania, Geranium, Geum, Gomphrena, Helenium, Heliotrope, Hepatica, Hibiscus, Hollyhock, Hosta, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Hyssop, Impatiens, Iris, Lantana, Leadwort, Lenten, Lobelia, Loosestrife, Malva, Marigold, Mazus, Mirabilis, Orchid, Pansy, Penstemon, Peony, Periwinkle, Petunia, Phlox, Potentilla, Rue, Sanvitalia, Sedum, Senna, Soapwort, Spiderwort, Tansy, Thunbergia, Tithonia, Torenia, Trillium, Valerian, Verbena, Violet, Weigela, Windflower, Woodruff, Zinnia

  • Domestic Plants: Alfalfa, almond, Amaranth, Artichoke, Arugula, Avocado, Barley, Bean, Beet, Blackberry, Blueberry, Borage, Broccoli, Burdock, Cabbage, Caper, Carrot, cashew, Cauliflower, Celery, Chestnut,Chickpea, Chicory, Cranberry, Currant, Daylily, Dill, Eggplant, Fig, Flax, Grape, Groundnut, hazelnut, Huckleberry, Kale, Leek, Lentil, Lettuce, Maize, Mallow, Melon, Millet, Mustard, Oats, Olive, Parsnip, Pea, Peanut, Pecan, Pepper, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Raspberry, Rice, Rye, Sorghum, Sorrel, Spent, Spinach, Squash, Strawberry, Tomato, Turnip, Vanilla, Walnut, Wheat, Yam

  • Exotic Plants: Abaca, Abelia, Agave, Akebia, Aloe, Althea, Arbutus, Aucuba, Bagasse, Bamboo, Bilberry, Bougainvillea, Box, Boxthorn, Brome, Broom, Cactus, Caltrop, Camellia, Camphor, Cane, Ceanothus, Celandine, Cheatgrass, Chloris, Chouchun, Citronella, Clematis, Cockspur, Colletia, Cordgrass, Cottontop, Cress, Dagger, Daphne, Dipelta, Elder, Erioneuron, Esparto, Fatsia, Fescue, Filao, Fireweed, Forsythia, Fuchsia, Furze, Gorse, Grama, Hakea, Haskap, Hebe, Hedge, Honeysuckle, Hydrilla, Indigo, Jasmine, Jojoba, Jute, Kenaf, Kerria, Kiwi, Knapweed, Kudzu, Lace, Lantana, Ledum, Ligustrum, Linseed, Longtom, Lupin, Maguay, Mandevilla, Manzanita, Mayweed, Medlar, Melic, Mistletoe, Muhly, Myrtle, Oleander, Oxeye, Panicum, Papyrus, Paspalum, Pieris, Plumbago, Privet, Quillay, Rhododendron, Rush, Sacahuista, Sacaton, Salal, Salvinia, Sisal, Sloe, Smilax, Solanum, Sprangletop, Tamarix, Taro, Threeawn, Timothy, Tridens, Vaseygrass, Wisteria, Yucca, Zacate, Zoysia


  • Weather: Air, Blizzard, Bolt, Breeze, Cold, Chill, Clear, Cloud, Damp, Dew, Draft, Drift, Drizzle, Drought, Flood, Flurry, Fog, Freeze, Frost, Gale, Glaze, Gust, Hail, Haze, Heat, Hoary, Humid, Ice, Icicle, Light, Lightning, Mesic, Mist, Rain, Rainbow, Shade, Shadow, Sleet, Smog, Smoke, Snow, Spray, Squall, Storm, Sunny, Surge, Thunder, Tornado, Twister, Wildfire, Wind

  • Exotic Weather: Aurora, Avalanche, Cyclone, Hurricane, Monsoon, Typhoon, Sandstorm

  • Time of day and Cosmic: Comet, Dawn, Dusk, Eclipse, Evening, Horizon, Lunar, Midnight, Moon, Morning, Night, Noon, Sky, Solar, Solstice, Star, Sun, Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight

  • Human Seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Vernal, Winter

  • Geography: Aeolian, Ait, Alvar, Basin, Basin, Berm, Bight, Bluff, Bornhardt, Bower, Brook, Bridge, Butte, Canal, Cave, Channel, City, Cliff, Coniferous, Crater, Creek, Dam, Dell, Delta, Ditch, Dome, Draw, Enclave, Fen, Field, Flat, Flow, Flute, Fluvial, Forest, Glade, Glen, Gorge, Grassland, Gulch, Gully, Headwater, Heath, Hill, Hillock, Hummock, Inlet, Island, Islet, Knoll, Lagoon, Lake, Levee, Marsh, Meadow, Mire, Moor, Mound, Peak, Peninsula, Pool, Prairie, Quarry, Rapids, Ravine, Ridge, River, Scarp, Shoal, Shore, Slope, Strath, Swale, Temperate, Terrain, Thalweg, Tunnel, Valley, Wash, Wetland

  • Exotic Geography: Alpine, Aquifer, Archipelago, Arroyo, Atoll, Ayre, Badlands, Barchan, Barrier, Bay, Bayou, Beach, Bog, Boreal, Calanque, Cape, Cenote, Chaparral, Coast, Corrie, Cove, Crevasse, Cusp, Dike, Dune, Erg, Estuary, Etchplain, Fault, Fenster, Firth, Fjord, Geyser, Glacier, Graben, Gulf, Harbor, Horst, Iceberg, Isthmus, Kame, Karst, Karst, Key, Lagoon, Lithalsa, Loch, Maar, Machair, Mangrove, Marine, Mountain, Oasis, Ocean, Outwash, Pass, Plateau, Plateau, Range, Relief, Riffle, Sandur, Savanna, Scree, Sea, Shelf, Sinkhole, Sound, Stack, Steppe, Straight, Strand, Summit, Swamp, Taiga, Tepui, Tombolo, Tor, Trench, Tropics, Tundra, Tuya, Uvala, Vale, Vent, Ventifact, Volcano, Wadi, Yardang

Miscellaneous Themes

  • City: Brick, Concrete, Debris, Glass, Iron, Path, Rust, Steel

  • Fire: Ash, Blaze, Burn, Char, Charcoal, Ember, Fire, Flame, Heat, Inferno, Kindle, Lava, Magma, Scorch, Smoke, Smolder, Soot, Spark, Tinder

  • Water: Brine, Bubble, Cascade, Droplet, Eddy, Leach, Marine, Melting, Puddle, Rapid, Ripple, Spout, Steam, Surge, Tide, Trickle, Vapor, Water, Wave, Whirl

  • Earth: Barren, Basalt, Boulder, Brick, Cinder, Clay, Clod, Coal, Coral, Dust, Earth, Fallow, Flint, Granite, Graphite, Gravel, Grit, Ground, Limestone, Loam, Loess, Marble, Moraine, Mud, Peat, Pebble, Rock, Rubble,Salt, Sand, Sandstone, Shale, Silt, Slag, Slate, Sludge, Sod, Soil, Stone, Sulphur, Tephra

  • Gemstones: Agate, Alexandrite, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Ammolite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Azurite, Beryl, Bloodstone, Calcite, Cavansite, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Feldspar, Fluorite, Garnet, Heliodor, Iolite, Ironstone, Jade, Jasper, Kyanite, Lapis, Larimar, Lazuli, Magnetite, Moldavite, Morganite, Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Paraiba, Pearl, Peridot, Pyrite, Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Selenite, Spinel, Tanzanite, Topaz, Triphane, Turquoise, Verdite, Zircon

  • Metals: Alloy, Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Chrome, Cobalt, Copper, Ferrous, Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Platinum, Silver, Steel, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Zinc

  • Other: Acid, Blood, Bone, Decay, Echo, Egg, Endless, Fin, Flash, Honey, Milk, Poison, Resin, Scale, Silk, Skeleton, Spine, Tallow, Toxic, Venom, Wax


When a cat becomes a full warrior or medicine cat, they are given a unique suffix by their leader to reflect their personality (“-stone” for a reliable cat), accomplishments (“-blaze” for a cat who showed bravery in battle), skills (“-nose” for skilled tracker), appearance (“-splash” for a dappled cat), or other unique traits.

In contrast to prefixes, which are often very specific, suffixes are traditionally more generic. For instance, rather than saying “raven” to reference a cat’s gracefulness “bird” will be used instead. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but for this list of suffixes I have chosen to list only generic or common species and phenomena. The more specific or unusual species and phenomena listed above can also be used to create a more unique name.

Exotic and native species and phenomena are not seperated here, to see which is which see the prefixes above.


  • Rank-Specific: Kit, Paw, Star

  • Anatomy: Belly, Blood, Bone, Breath, Chest, Claw, Ear, Eye, Face, Fang, Flank, Foot, Fur, Gaze, Hair, Head, Heart, Heel, Jaw, Leg, Mane, Mask, Mouth, Muzzle, Neck, Nose, Pad, Pelt, Scar, Sight, Skull, Snout, Soul, Spine, Spirit, Stare, Tail, Throat, Toes, Tongue, Tooth, Tuft, Whiskers

  • Patterns: Arch, Blaze, Crescent, Crest, Dapple, Dot, Flake, Freckle, Mark, Mask, Mottle, Patch, Smudge, Speck, Speckle, Splash, Splatter, Spot, Streak, Stripe, Striped, Tick, Twist, Whirl, Whorl

  • Traits: Blaze, Blur, Claw, Curl, Dazzle, Fade, Fluff, Fuzz, Kink, Knot, Prickle, Scar, Scatter, Shade, Shimmer, Shine, Song, Spark, Sparkle, Spike, Stain, Stump, Swift, Tatter, Tear, Tip, Wander, Web, Wild, Wither, Wool, Wrinkle

  • Actions: Arch, Bolt, Bounce, Bristle, Burrow, Call, Crash, Crouch, Cry, Dance, Dart, Dash, Drop, Fall, Fidget, Flail, Flight, Hoot, Hop, Hunt, Jump, Leap, Mumble, Pounce, Rattle, Rise, Roar, Roll, Run, Runner, Rush, Seeker, Shred, Sight, Skip, Slash, Slip, Sneeze, Soar, Song, Splash, Spring, Stalk, Step, Sting, Strike, Swoop, Tumble, Watcher, Whisper, Wish


  • Environment: Blaze, Blizzard, Boulder, Breeze, Bright, Brook, Cloud, Creek, Dawn, Dew, Drift, Dusk, Dust, Fallow, Fire, Flake, Flame, Flint, Frost, Hail, Ice, Lake, Light, Lightning, Marsh, Meadow, Mist, Misty, Moon, Morning, Night, Pebble, Pool, Puddle, Rain, Ripple, River, Rock, Rubble, Sand, Shade, Shadow, Shine, Sky, Slate, Smoke, Snow, Stone, Storm, Stream, Sun, Water, Wave, Wind

  • Fauna: Adder, Ant, Badger, Bee, Beetle, Bird, Buzzard, Crow, Deer, Dove, Duck, Eagle, Eel, Falcon, Fang, Fawn, Feather, Ferret, Fin, Finch, Fish, Flight, Fly, Fox, Frog, Goose, Hare, Hawk, Heron, Horse, Jackdaw, Jay, Kestrel, Lark, Leopard, Lion, Lizard, Maggot, Minnow, Mole, Moth, Mouse, Newt, Otter, Owl, Perch, Pike, Quail, Rabbit, Rat, Raven, Robin, Scale, Sheep, Shell, Shrew, Snake, Sparrow, Spider, Squirrel, Starling, Stoat, Swallow, Swift, Talon, Thrush, Tiger, Toad, Trout, Vixen, Vole, Wasp, Weasel, Wing, Wolf

  • Flora: Acorn, Apple, Ash, Aspen, Bark, Beech, Berry, Birch, Bloom, Blossom, Bracken, Bramble, Branch, Briar, Burr, Bush, Cedar, Cherry, Clover, Daisy, Ember, Fennel, Fern, Flower, Frond, Furze, Gorse, Grain, Grass, Hay, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Larch, Leaf, Leaf, Lichen, Log, Mallow, Maple, Marigold, Mint, Moss, Nectar, Needle, Nettle, Nut, Oak, Oat, Pear, Petal, Pine, Plum, Pod, Pollen, Poppy, Reed, Root, Rose, Rowan, Rye, Sage, Sedge, Seed, Shrub, Sorrel, Sprout, Stem, Tangle, Thicket, Thistle, Thorn, Timber, Tree, Twig, Vine, Weed, Weed, Willow, Wood

Miscellaneous: Dream, Echo, Flash, Glow, Honey, Milk, Path, Poison, Venom

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