Hello everyone and happy holidays! With the holidays just around the corner, it's time for our fourth annual New Year’s gift exchange!
The event will be run like a Secret Santa. All participants will be randomly assigned to each other and keep their giftee secret until New Year’s Day, when everyone will post their gifts. Possible gift ideas include drawings, short stories, or poems about your giftee’s characters, personalized cards, even acted out scenes from the roleplay. Pretty much, as long as it’s something you can make personalized for your giftee and upload to the Discord or website, it’s fair game.
If you would like to participate, please fill out this form before December 10th. Anyone who signs up after that day is not guaranteed to receive a giftee assignment, so please try and sign up on time. As well, please do not sign up if you will not have time to create your gift before New Year’s, this should be a positive experience for everyone and when you don’t follow through on the commitment, other members have to scramble to make sure your giftee receives something. All giftee assignments will be sent out on the evening of December 11th and everyone should upload their gifts on New Year's Day. If you will not be able to upload your gift the day of, you can send it to me and I’ll be happy to post it for you.