Original Post: Ember, May 8, 2018
Hi guys! I’ve mentioned it in the off-topic chat a few times before, but I’d like to formally announce that I’ll be away from the website for a month this summer. I’ve been given an amazing opportunity to conduct field research in Costa Rica from May 25th to June 25th and during this time will have only intermittent, limited access to the internet. While I’ll stop by when I can to say hi and roleplay a bit, I won’t be able to maintain the website during this time.
In my place, L will be updating the pages and leading the moderator team. Please be patient and flexible with him, and -at the risk of sounding like your mother- be on your best behavior. Everything in-game should continue as normal and L plans on updating the pages every Friday to keep with the current schedule. Should anything come up and adjustments to the schedule be made, he’ll let y’all know.