Original Post: Ember, November 6, 2016
Hi guys! As you’ve likely noticed, Warrior Cats of the Forests has been moved to Site Builder 3. I’ve preserved as much as I can from our original layout, but unfortunately a few things have had to change. Before I start updating the guides to match the new layout, I’d like your opinions on a few things.
How do you feel about the Clan Pages being stacked under the former Information Page, which is now called “The Clans”? I realize the arrangement isn’t ideal, but unfortunately I can’t adjust the amount of space between each link on the navigation bar so there isn’t enough room to include all of the pages without stacking something. If you’d prefer to keep the Clan Pages unstacked, how do you think the Clan Pages should be organized?
I’m on the fence about our new chatbox. On one hand, it is more functional than the old one in that I can ban users or remove messages, but on the other hand, members will have to make a new account for there and can’t change their chatbox name to match their username on here. From a layout perspective, do you like it where it is or would you prefer we go back to the two chatbox and affiliates all on the bottom of the page?
There are also a few entirely new features I’d like your feedback on. Firstly, there’s just a little “About Us” section on the Help Page. This is mostly filler, but if there’s anything you’d like me to add to that, please to speak up. To the right of the “About Us Section,” I’ve added a Contact Us form so members can contact me with suggestions, criticisms, reports of rulebreaking, or anything else they think I should hear. The only required field is the message itself, so anything you send in can be completely anonymous.
What do y’all think of all these changes? Any feedback is helpful, so please don’t hesitate to give your opinion on anything.
The moderators are in charge of making the plot run smoothly for the next few days while I clean up the website. If you haven’t been able to get on for a few days and aren’t sure what’s going on, please direct any plot-related questions to them.