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Seventh Anniversary

Writer's picture: EmberEmber

Original Post: Ember, January 16, 2016

Seven years ago today, Silverwing and I created this website, I would have been shocked to know then how long this website would continue and the amazing plots that our members and us would build together. This past year has been one of the busiest since the website began, as well. We jumped straight into Toxicstar’s war, which lead to the most ambitious arc we’ve done yet: the medicine cat uprising. As the year drew into a close, we drove the clans together in a flood.

Thank you so much to all of the moderators that help me run this website, StarClan knows that I couldn’t run the website without all of your hard work.

Eveningrose, thank you for being so reliable and hard-working. I know I can always depend on you to help out when it’s needed. Your characters have a lot of personality and can always be trusted on to bring life into a scene or to push things along in the right direction, without roleplayers like you who knows where the plot would have wandered off to!

Angel, dude, you are an angel. I can’t express my gratitude for how much work you’ve put into this site, especially over the last couple of months. The roleplay wouldn’t stay afloat without all of the effort you put into it, thank you. As well as that, you’re one of the best writers this website has ever been blessed with. Your characters are so genuine, their convictions are well thought-out and explained, I always feel like I understand their motivations and get exactly how important things are to them.

Ripple, you’re a fantastic roleplayer, your characters feel like people we’d see walking down the street, or, more likely, someone who’d wind up on the news for accomplishing something great. They’re believable and consistent, but above even that they’re unique and an absolute joy to read. Frozenstar, Hallowroar, and many of your other characters aren’t going to be forgotten anytime soon.

Riversoul, it really is the little things that make all the difference, thank you so much for all the attention you put into making sure that members are having the smoothest possible time and paying close attention to anything you could help with. You’re such an amazingly kind and helpful person, I’m so lucky to have you on the site and working as one of our moderators.

Of course, this website wouldn’t exist without the dedicated group of talented roleplayers and artists who have chosen to spend their time here. I can honestly say that I can’t imagine a better group of members, thank you so much for making this site such a fun place to be!

Acorn, the way that you write dialogue always makes interactions with your characters feel like genuine, naturally flowing conversations. Your laid back style works wonders in restoring calm to scenes after tensions snap, or preventing them from getting out of hand in the first place.

Amber, your characters are so human, er, well, cat. Their personalities are amazingly consistent and realistic, your commitment to keeping them them, even when it might be more convenient to turn them to plot devices, really shines through in the quality of your roleplaying.

Anarchy, it’s amazing how much you throw yourself into your writing. You such an intense and distinct style of roleplaying and characterization, your posts always bring an element of volatility to a scene that just brings them to life.

Aovi, your characters are amazingly realistic and without becoming dragged down in the day to day activities of clan life. Anyone who might look over your quieter roleplaying style is missing out, I often find myself laughing at your subtle little jabs and cleverly worded replies.

Blossom, it’s great to have you back on the site. You have such a defined sense of style throughout everything I see from you—profile, signature, roleplaying. It’s so subdued and sweet, a wonderful point of contrast between louder members that brings out the best sides of both.

Chibi-Chan, you’re an absolutely gorgeous writer. Your posts are filled to the tipping point with quiet characterization and humor, not to mention the pervasive kindness throughout your writing that really can only come from the directly from role-player. I look forward to roleplaying more with you in the future!

Chibi Dango, you’re the sweetest person and, for as much of an old lady that this will make me sound, an absolute joy to have around on the site. Your characters have a way of bringing out little details in others that might not have been uncovered without your perfect placement of darker quieter scenes against bright, bubby moments.

Dapple, you have the most gorgeous eye for details others may overlook. Whether it be in your art or your writing, I’m astounded by how things just seem to effortlessly (though I can only imagine the hard work you’ve put into your style!) fit together.

Fang, it astounds me how much you’ve grown in just the year that I’ve known you. Your characters have become more fully fleshed out, your posts descriptive and dramatic, never losing the outgoing sense of humor you had as soon as you joined the site. You bring so much energy to conversations (and, ahem, summonings) without being overwhelming or shutting others out, in fact, just the opposite.

Ginger, you’ve got the greatest sense of humor, even just your profile page makes me smile! We haven’t gotten to roleplay with each other much, but I hope we get to some in the future—you have a great sense for how to show your characters’ personalitieis.

Gray, sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that you’ve been on the site for what, two and a half years now? That just sounds fake. But maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, considering how much I’ve watched you grow over the past few years. Your ability to bring your characters to life is frankly astounding, as is your ability to keep your chin up in even the worst of circumstances.

Halo, your characters’ writing is amazingly realistic, when things get bad, you’re not one to flinch away from exactly how bad they can get. This just ups the drama of any scene and adds the heart-wrenching depth to pivotal moments that makes them impossible to forget.

Heather, you’re such a genuinely sweet person. Not many people could pull off anything like your laid-back style of character development. Your characters are never melodramatic or over the top, but neither are they bland or forced.

Henry, you’ve got the kind of confidence that most people find it impossible not to look up to, your writing reads as assured and well thought out. Your portrayals of characters, even in their worst moments, is rock-solid, their personalities realistic and consistent through any event.

Jacklyn, you’re an extremely creative roleplayer with the cutest assortment of characters. I love the way that you play kits, they’re innocent and curious without stepping into the territory of just coming across as dumb or annoying.

Larch, your animated personality brings so much life to the site. Thank you so much for all of the time you devote on commenting on artwork and out of character conversations, actions like that are really what brings the website together and makes us a close-knit community.

Lily, dude, I love your snark. You’re hilarious and while someone else might take it a bit too far or in the wrong direction, you know when to draw the line and never come across as mean-spirited. Your characters are well-rounded and clearly thought out, I love seeing you explore their different layers and watching how they behave in widely differing contexts.

Lilywish, you have this way of bringing everyone back down to earth that’s vital in any large group of people, the roleplay being no exception. You seem to go to great length to make situations comfortable for everyone involved and I’m so thankful that you choose to spend your time here—people like you are what keep the site from derailing.

Mocking, I love your dark but never mean sense of humor, the clean lines and solid colors of your drawing, and your writing style that always seems to have just the right amount of details. You’re a wonderful help around the site as well, pointing new members in the right direction without coming across as condescending or rude.

Owl, wow, dude. You’ve got talent—be it in writing, drawing, or just generally being a welcoming, kind force around the website who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. I always look forward to reading your posts, all of you characters have so much, well, character!

Queen, your enthusiasm is contagious. With such a bouncy, bubbly, positive personality, you always seem to be having so much fun with what you’re doing that it’s impossible not to get wrapped up in your characters’ dramas.

Rainpelt, your characters are consistent to the very end without being static or boring, their development feels natural and earned above all else they have reasonable strengths and weaknesses. I hope we get to roleplay together more in the future!

Running, it’s rare that we get a member with as much enthusiasm as you have! It’s clear reading all of your posts that you care deeply about your characters and building the most exciting roleplay possible for anyone you’re interacting with. Roleplaying with you always puts a smile on my face.

Shadecould, your characters always seem so grounded, I can always trust you to uphold details of the plot and not forget little details of what’s going on. If there’s a war, they’re training for battle, if there’s a drought, they’re not coming home carrying paws of prey. It helps so much in keeping the plot on-track and making the roleplay realistic.

Shadow, your characters seem so genuine, their interactions never read as forced or unrealistic. You’ve got an eye for quiet little moments and know how to show personality through the smallest actions, rather than always opting for big dramatic moments even when that’s not the best way to go.

Sharpgaze, it’s rare that we get a member who jumps so entirely into the website so quickly: profile stalker questions, art commenting, out of character conversations, roleplaying… you really put yourself out there and that takes quite a bit of confidence! I hope that I get to roleplay with you some in the future, roleplayers who aren’t afraid to jump right in are the ones who keep the plot moving.

Snowy, all of your characters get so into what they’re doing, it’s impossible not to get invested in the most dramatic scenes that you write. Your writing is beautifully expressive, when bad things happen you can really tell how your characters are suffering and your heart just goes out to them.

Spicy, the word that comes to mind when I think of you is ‘warm’. You’re always so quick to roleplay with whoever’s online instead of keeping with a usual group and I’ve never seen you do anything less than kind to anyone. If I start to say much about your artwork we’ll be here all week, so I’ll keep it short: good gosh, don’t stop drawing.

Sunken, I say this every year and I’ll say it again: we made it. A lot has changed, a lot has stayed the same. Your strength and thoughtful sense of humor has been a blessing, thank you for the support you’ve offered me this year. I’ve loved hearing about the progression of your most ambitious project to date. Can’t wait to see the finished production!

Twin, your compassion astounds me. No matter the member, you’re always so quick to make them feel welcome and accepted. Eager to help out, always quick with a kind word and putting real effort into including everyone in your roleplays. I’m so thankful you’ve chosen to spend your time on this site.

Venom, you always seem so eager and excited to jump into things. I said it last year and it still holds true, but you’re one of the most active members this website has ever been blessed with. Not just in the roleplay, but in running around art pages, profiles, chatboxes, everything—you knit the site together and keep everyone involved.

Whisper, your drawings always make me crack up, I love the captions. Your writing style is gorgeously detailed and your characters are clearly thought out. I hope that we get to roleplay more together in the future!

Whotella, it’s a pity you’ve been having so much trouble with webs recently, because you are just such an overwhelmingly pleasant person to roleplay with. Your characters seem to have a genuine optimism, it’s always a breath of fresh air to roleplay with you!

Willows Grove, you have such a unique, cute style throughout your character naming and creation and roleplaying, I always look forward to reading your posts. In just a few words you always manage to capture so much character!

Wolf-flower, I just adore your understated style of roleplaying, it’s got this simple charm that shines just as brightly as some more in your face styles. Through seemingly small actions you show your characters strengths, even when they’re going through hard times.

It’s been a fun year, let’s making the coming year even better!

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