Original Post: Ember, March 16, 2018
Hello! As spring rolls around, it’s time to do some cleaning and- as in past years- take a hard look at this roleplay and see what can be improved. To this end, there are three surveys that I’d like to bring your attention to.
The first survey, introduced by Alienfish into the chatbox yesterday, regards the clans’ in-game identities. It takes three to five minutes to complete and can be found here.
The second survey, written by River, regards new members’ experiences and how we can improve their time getting to know the roleplay. This survey takes three to five minutes to complete and can be found here.
The third survey, written by myself, regards how members’ navigate their website, which features they use most frequently, and how these features can be improved. I intend to use the data gathered from this to help prioritize what to update and what features should be created or improved. This survey takes five to ten minutes and can be found here.
All three of these surveys are anonymous and the raw data will only be shared with the survey’s creator and myself, but general trends in responses and viable suggestions may be shared for further discussion in a later blog entry, as has been done with past surveys. We’ll carefully read every response and I’ll take to heart any feedback that we get, so please answer honestly and be as specific as you can with any suggestions or criticism, so we know where to aim our efforts in improving the roleplay for everyone.